Study on the relationship between smoking, alcohol intake and hyperlipidemia in fishermen
收稿日期:2003-01-12  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 吸烟  饮酒  高胆固醇血症  高甘油三酯血症
英文关键词: Smoking  Alco hol intake  Hy percholesterolemia  Hypertrigly ceridemia
王建跃 316000 浙江省舟山市疾病预防控制中心 
张立军 316000 浙江省舟山市疾病预防控制中心 
水黎明 浙江大学公共卫生学院 
陈坤 浙江大学公共卫生学院 
鄢盛凯 北京协和医院 
杜虹 暨南大学附属第二医院 
曾武威 中国医学科学院协和医科大学 
吴钢 中国医学科学院协和医科大学 
薛红 中国医学科学院协和医科大学 
陈保生 中国医学科学院协和医科大学 
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      目的 探讨渔民人群吸烟、饮酒与高胆固醇血症、高甘油三酯血症之间的关系。方法应用现况调查结合病例对照研究的方法,随机抽取 115名海岛渔民,按血脂检测结果分为病例组和对照组。采用流行病学问卷调查表的形式,详细调查其个人一般情况及吸烟、饮酒史,用单因素及其统计学分析方法比较吸烟 (饮酒 )组与对照组间脂蛋白和载脂蛋白 (apo)水平差异及吸烟和饮酒对高脂血症的OR值。结果 吸烟组的OR值为 3.4 17(95 %CI∶1.132~ 10.30 8),吸烟指数与高脂血症患病具有明显的剂量效应关系,吸烟组低密度脂蛋白胆固醇 (LDL C)和apoB的水平高于对照组。开始饮酒年龄≤ 2 0岁及年饮酒精量≥ 15 0 0 0ml者,对高脂血症的OR值分别为 4.016 (95 %CI :1.475~10.952 )及 3.275 (95 %CI:1.249~ 8.580 ),酗酒渔民LDL C、apoB、总胆固醇 (TC) /高密度脂蛋白胆固醇 (HDL C)水平高于对照组,吸烟且饮酒者其OR值高于单吸烟或单饮酒者。结论 吸烟和酗酒是高脂血症的重要危险因素,其主要通过影响LDL C、apoB水平导致高脂血症发生。吸烟及酗酒对高脂血症的发生具有协同作用。
      Objective To identify the relationship be tw een smoking, alcohol intake and hyperlipidemia in fishermen.Methods 115 fishermen were randomly recruited and divided into case and control groups according to the result of bloo d lipoprotein.A questionnaire was used to record generalinformation and the history o f smo king and alco hol intake.Statistics were gathered to compare the difference of lipoprotein and apolipoprotein lev el between expo sure and control groups and to calculate the OR value of smo king and alcohol intake.Results The OR of smo king w as 3.417(95 %CI :1.132-10.308), with significant dosag e-effect relationship between smoking index and hyperlipidemia.The serum low density lipopro teincholesterol(LDL-C) and apolipopro tein(apo)B lev els in smoking g roup was higher than that of control g roup.The OR value of alcohol intake at early age(early than 20)were 3.275(95 %CI :1.249-8.580) and 4.016(95%CI :1.475-10.952) respectively.The LDL-C, apoB, the serum to talcholesterol(TC)/ hig h density lipo protein-cholesterol(HDL-C) levels in alcohol abuse g roup were higher than that of control g roup.Conclusion Smoking and alcohol abuse w ere impor tant risk factors of hyperlipidemia, throug h changing the level o f LDL-C and apoB.There w as sy nergistic action between smoking and alcohol abuse in the development of hyperlipidemia
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