Assessment and analysis on the risk and community treatment of hypertension in rural areas in Changshu city
收稿日期:2003-05-08  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 高血压  危险度评估
英文关键词: Hypertension  Assessment on the risk
徐敏皋 江苏省常熟市疾病预防控制中心, 215500 
孙国祥 江苏省常熟市疾病预防控制中心, 215500 
周正元 江苏省常熟市疾病预防控制中心, 215500 
李建清 江苏省常熟市疾病预防控制中心, 215500 
喻荣彬 南京医科大学公共卫生学院 
顾东风 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学心血管病研究所 
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      目的 了解常熟市农村居民高血压危险度及治疗现状。方法 随机抽取常熟市农村社区1个村,年龄35~;74岁的常住居民约800人,测量血压、身高、体重,检测空腹血糖、血清总胆固醇并收集其他相关资料。结果 常熟市农村居民高血压患病率为32.01%;,高血压患病率随着年龄增长而显著上升(P<;0.01);女性高血压患者收缩压水平与年龄高度正相关(P<;0.01),而男、女高血压患者舒张压水平与年龄高度负相关(P<;0.01);高血压患者并存的心血管病危险因素如高龄、高胆固醇、早发心血管病家族史和超重所占百分率,显著高于非高血压患者(P<;0.01);高血压患者中,中、低危占85.72%;,高危及以上占14.28%;;既往高血压患者的单纯药物治疗率、单纯非药物治疗率、综合治疗率和总治疗率分别为42.05%;、2.84%;、14.20%;和59.09%;,相应的血压控制率分别为35.14%;、40.00%;、36.00%;和39.77%;。结论 常熟市居民高血压危险度评估以中、低危为主,其药物治疗率和非药物治疗率处于较低水平,应加强对高血压患者的综合干预力度。
      Objective To assess and analyze the risk and community treatment of hypertension in rural population of C.hangshu city, Jiangsu province.Methods A stratified cluster sampling technique was conducted to select a sample of 800 people, aged 35-74 years old, in a rural village according to the proportion of the national population in Changshu.Weight, height, blood pressure, serum lipid, blood glucose and other related factors were examined and analyzed.Results The prevalence rate of hypertension in the rural area was 32.01%.and significantly higher with the increase of age (P<0.01).The average systolic blood pressure of hypertension in females was significantly positively mrelated while, the average diastolic blood pressure of male and female hypertensives was significantly negatively corelated to age.The proportions of risk factors of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) as senility, hyperlipemia, premature familial history of C VD and overweight of hypertension were significantly high than those without hypertension (P< 0.01).The percentage of medium-low risk on hypertension was 85.72%, but of high risk was 14.28 %.The ratio of using medication, exclusive non-medication, comprehensive treatment or total cure were 42.05%, 2.84 %, l4.20% and 59.09%, accordingly.The rates of blood pressure crontrol under the above approaches were 35.14 %, 40.00%, 36.00% and 39.77%.Conclusion Assessment on the risk of hypertension in the rural areas suggested that the priority should be given to medium-low risk groups, while the rate of medication and non-medicine intervention was at low level.It is necessary to strengthen a comprehensive intervention program for hypertension control.
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