Dynamics of peripheral blood B lymphocytes and natural killer cells in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome
收稿日期:2003-08-11  出版日期:2014-10-08
中文关键词: 严重急性呼吸综合征  B淋巴细胞  自然杀伤细胞
英文关键词: Severe acute respiratory syndrome  B lymphocyte  Natural killer cell
董庆鸣 北京地坛医院 
何忠平 北京地坛医院 
庄辉 北京大学医学部微生物学系,100011 
宋淑静 北京地坛医院 
戴旺苏 北京地坛医院 
张四萍 北京地坛医院 
陈志海 北京地坛医院 
孙静媛 北京地坛医院 
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      目的 研究严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)患者的外周血B淋巴细胞和自然杀伤(NK)细胞动态变化.方法 应用流式法对240例SARS患者的602份系列标本外周血B淋巴细胞和NK细胞进行绝对计数测定.结果 SARS患者的B淋巴细胞和NK细胞计数显著低于正常人(P<0.001);重型(极重型)患者明显低于普通型(P<0.001).治愈组SARS患者的B淋巴细胞于发病时处于低水平,但于发病后第2周开始上升,然后随病情恢复逐渐升至正常水平.但NK细胞于发病时已处于低水平,至发病后第2周继续下降,于发病后第5周有所上升,但仍未恢复至正常水平.结论 SARS患者的B淋巴细胞和NK细胞计数与病情轻重有关,测定SARS患者的该两种细胞计数有助于判断预后.
      Objective To study the dynamics of peripheral blood B lymphocytes and natural killer (NK) cells in patients with severe acute r-espiratory syndrome (SARS).Methods The absolute numbers of peripheral blood B lymphocytes and NK cells in 602 serial samples fr-om 240 patients with SARS were counted,using flow cytometry,and compared with that of normal population.Results The absolute nu-mbers of peripheral blood B lymphocytes and NK cells in SARS patients were significantly lower than that of the normal population (P <0. 001 )and were much lower in SARS patients with severe or extremely severe types,as compared with that of moderate or mild type cases (P<0.001 ).The amount of B lymphocytes in recovery SARS patients increased at the 2nd week after onset, and gradually bec-oming normal at the 5th week of the disease onset.The number of NK cells was in the low level at onset, and keep decreasing at the 2nd week. However,it was increasing with the recovery of the disease, but did not reach to normal level at the 5th week after onset.Co-nclusion The absolute numbers of peripheral blood B lymphocytes and NK cells were associated with the severity of the disease,and detection of these two kinds of cells was useful for predicting the prognosis of SARS.
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