Amplification and typing of Sta56 gene of Orientia tsutsugamushi from Shandong province
收稿日期:2003-07-30  出版日期:2014-10-08
中文关键词: 聚合酶链反应  恙虫病东方体  基因型
英文关键词: Nested-polymerase chain reaction  Orientia tsutsugamushi  Gene type
刘运喜 山东大学公共卫生学院流行病学与卫生统计学研究所 
高媛 山东大学公共卫生学院流行病学与卫生统计学研究所 
赵仲堂 济南军区军事医学研究所流行病研究室, 济南, 250012 
张景兰 济南军区军事医学研究所流行病研究室, 济南, 250012 
杨占清 济南军区军事医学研究所流行病研究室, 济南, 250012 
步秀萍 济南军区军事医学研究所流行病研究室, 济南, 250012 
苏静静 济南军区军事医学研究所流行病研究室, 济南, 250012 
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      目的 鉴定山东地区恙虫病东方体(Ot)基因型别.方法 采用巢式聚合酶链反应技术对23株恙虫病东方体山东株、2份采自黑线姬鼠体外的小盾纤恙螨匀浆及10份恙虫病患者全血中提取的Ot目的基因进行分析研究,并与Gilliam、Karp、Kato国际参考株进行比较.将群引物扩增产物用双向测序法进行序列测定.结果 35份标本中33份属于Kawasaki型,2份(FXS4 and LHGM2株)属于Karp型.从这33份中选出B-16、FXS2株进行碱基序列测定,结果B-16、FXS2株Sta56基因片段序列与Kawasaki型同源性最高,分别为94.22%、95.21%,而与其他6株Ot同源性均<75.87%.应属于Kawasaki型;FXS4和HGM 2株Sta56基因片段序列与Karp型同源性最高,分别为83.03%、96.45%,应属于Karp型.结论 山东地区恙虫病东方体流行株以Kawasaki型为主,但同时存在Karp型.
      Objective To clarify the gene type of orientia tsutsugamushi (Ot)from Shandong province. Methods Nested-polymerase chain reaction (nPCR) was used to identify the gene type of 23 isolated Ot strains, 2 pools of homogenized leptotrombidium (L .) scutellare,10 blood specimens of scrub typhus patients,and at the same time to compare with the international reference strains Gilliam,Karp, Kato.Sequencing analysis of the Sta56 gene was also used to further identify the precise gene types. Results Of the 35 samples,33 had the same products in the amplification of template Ot-DNA.They all belonged to Kawasaki strains endemic in Japan while 2 (FXS4 and LHGM2 strain) belonged to Karp strains.The Sta56 gene sequence homologies to Japan Kawasaki strain of the 2 representative strains (B-16 and FXS2 strain) of the 33 samples were 94.22%,95.21% respectively,but they were less than 75.87% to other prototype strains; The homologies to Karp strain of FXS4 and LHGM2 strain were 83.03%,96.45 % respectively.13-16 and FXS2 strain were designated as of types strain Japan Kawasaki,FXS4 and LHGM2 as Karp strain.Conclusion The Results indicated that the do-minant Ot strains in Shandong Province were similar to Kawasaki strains, but Karp strains also existed.
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