Risk factors for allergic asthma in a case-control study among adults
收稿日期:2003-11-27  出版日期:2014-10-08
中文关键词: 过敏性哮喘  危险因素  室内环境  病例对照研究
英文关键词: Allergic asthma  Risk factors  Indoor environment  Case-control study
岳伟 北京大学公共卫生学院劳动卫生与环境卫生学系 
潘小川 北京大学公共卫生学院劳动卫生与环境卫生学系 
丁剑 北京大学环境科学学院, 100083 
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      目的 探讨导致成人过敏性哮喘及其发作的危险因素.方法 采用病例对照流行病学研究方法,收集102例成人过敏性哮喘患者和394例健康对照人群的一般社会人口学特征、疾病健康状况、吸烟史、职业接触史、室内环境状况以及家族史等信息结果单因素及多因素统计分析结果均显示:成人过敏性哮喘患者职业粉尘接触率高于对照组且差异有统计学显著性(P<0.05,OR=1.78);住房类型为平房/筒子楼较多层/高层楼导致过敏性哮喘或其发作的可能性大(P<0.05,OR=3.24),哮喘患者家中床褥晾晒频率较对照组低且差异具有统计学显著性(P<0.10,OR =1.53);哮喘患者家中起居室地面使用木板比例高于对照组且差异有统计学显著性(P<0.01,OR=2.33);室内油烟污染程度哮喘患者组高于对照组且差异有统计学显著性(POR=2.52);同时还发现,双亲中有慢性支气管炎(慢支)或哮喘疾病史可增加其子女患过敏性哮喘的危险性(P<0.01,OR=2.32).结论 室内环境因素中住房状况差、床褥晾晒频率少、起居室地面使用木板、室内油烟污染可能是成人过敏性哮喘的危险因素,同时职业接触粉尘、双亲有慢支或哮喘疾病史也与该疾病具有一定的关系.研究结果提示成人过敏性哮喘是遗传和环境双重因素共同作用导致的一种复杂疾病.
      Objective To investigate the risk factors allergic asthma in adult as well as the indoor environmental risk factors. Methods< /b> Case-control study was used to collect the information from 102 cases of adults'allergic asthma and 394 controls.The information i-ncluded general social demographic characteristics,disease history,smoking history,occupation,indoor environmental situation and gene-tic history of the families.Results The case group had higher proportion of the history on occupational dust exposure than the control group (P<0.05,OR=1.78) with statistical significance Poorer housing condition were more likely to cause adult allergic asthma or onset,with an odds ratio of 3.24.The Results also showed that there was a correlation between the frequency of "quilt solari-zation" and adult allergic asthma (P<0.10,OR=1.53).We also found that the frequency of having woody floor in the living room of the patients cases was higher than that in the controls (P<0.01,OR=2.33) so as the degree of indoor cooking-oil fume contamina-tion (P<0.01,OR=2.52).The statistical significant correlation was also found between the adult allergic asthma and the history of asthma or chronic bronchitis of their parents (P<0.01,OR=2.32).Conclusions The study showed that the indoor environme-ntal risk factors as poor housing condition,fewer frequency of solarization for quilts,woody floor in the living room as well as indoor cooking-oil fume contamination were the possible risk factors related to adult allergic asthma.Occupational dust exposure and the fami-ly genetic history were also the possible risk factors.The study indicated that adult allergic asthma was a multi-factorial complex di-sease and the interaction of environmental and genetic risk factors played an important role in the onset of this disease.
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