A prospective cohort study on the comparison of risk of occupational dust exposure and smoking to death
收稿日期:  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 吸烟|职业接触粉尘|死亡|前瞻性队列研究
英文关键词: Smoking|Occupational dust exposure|Mortality|Prospective cohort study
基金项目:广东省卫生厅“五个一”科教兴医上程重点研究资助项口(96-186);广州市科技局重点研究资助项目(96-Z-65);香港研究资助局资助项目(RCG, HKU466/96M);香港健康服务研究委员会资助项目(HSRC, 531036)
张维森 510620 广州市职业病防治院 
江朝强 510620 广州市职业病防治院 
LamT.Hing 香港大学社会医学系 
HoS.Yin 香港大学社会医学系 
陈清 第一军医大学流行病学教研室 
刘薇薇 510620 广州市职业病防治院 
何健民 510620 广州市职业病防治院 
曹民 510620 广州市职业病防治院 
摘要点击次数: 4474
全文下载次数: 2002
      目的 比较接尘、吸烟对死亡的影响. 方法 以1989~1992年广州市实施并建立的职工职业健康监护档案为基础资料, 选年龄≥30岁的80 987名接尘和无接尘职工为研究对象, 进行前瞻性队列研究. 结果 (1)队列平均43.5岁, 主要为工人、中学文化程度、已婚, 接尘率16.3%, 吸烟率43.7%, 饮酒率33.5%. (2)队列平均随访8年, 失访35人, 死亡1539人, 以恶性肿瘤死亡为主. (3)调整相关混杂因素后, 全死因、恶性肿瘤、心脑血管疾病等死亡相对危险度(RR), 接尘者和吸烟者基本一致, 但鼻咽癌、呼吸系统疾病死亡RR值, 接尘者高于吸烟者, 而肺癌、胃癌死亡RR值, 吸烟者分别是接尘者的2.2倍和1.5倍; 接尘可协同吸烟致死亡危险性明显增加. (4)男性总死因、恶性肿瘤和呼吸系统疾病死亡RR值, 矽尘接触者高于吸烟者, 心脑血管疾病死亡RR值, 木尘接触者也高于吸烟者. (5)人群死亡归因危险度百分比(PARP)吸烟者是接尘者的2.5倍. (6)男吸烟者全死因、恶性肿瘤、肺癌、胃癌的死亡危险随日吸烟量、烟龄的增加而明显递增, 冠心病、呼吸系统疾病的死亡危险则分别随日吸烟量、烟龄的增加而增加. 结论 接尘、吸烟者死亡RR值基本一致, 接尘与吸烟存在协同作用, 某些死因死亡危险吸烟者较明显, 某些接尘者较明显; 吸烟者PARP较接尘者高; 吸烟与死亡危险存在明显的剂量效应关系.
      Objective To compare the effects of dust exposure and smoking on mortality. Methods Based on the Guangzhou Occupational Health Surveillance Record System established in 1989-1992,80 987 factory workers, aged≥30, occupationally exposed to dust and non-exposure to dust,were included in a prospective cohort study. Results (1)The mean age of the cohort was 43.5. Most subjects were workers, with secondary education, and married. Out of them 16.3% having ever exposed to dust,43.7% ever smoked and 33.5%drank-alcohol. (2)The cohort were traced for 8 year, on average, but 35 were lost for follow-up. Malignant neoplasm was most comnwnly seen anrong 1539 deaths. (3) The adjusted relative risk(RR s) of death of all causes, malignant neoplasm and cerebro-cardiovascular diseases for dust exposed workers were close to those for smokers. However, the adjusted RRs of death of nasopharynx cancer and respiratory system diseases for dust exposed workers were higher than those for smokers. The adjusted RRs of death of lung cancer and stomach cancer for smokers were 2.2 times and 1.5 times of that for dust exposed workers respectively. Dust exposure combined with smoking caused significantly higher death RR.(4) In males, the adjusted RRs of death of all causes, malignant neoplasm and respiratory system diseases for silica dust exposed workers and the adjusted RR of death of cerebro-cardiovascular diseases for wood dust exposed workers were higher those in smokers. (5) The population attributable risk percentage(PARP) of all causes of death for smokers was 2.5 times of that for dust exposed workers. (6) In males, the risk, of death for all causes, malignant neoplasm, lung cancer and stomach cancer increased with the amount of smoking per day and the duration of smoking. The risks of death caused by coronary heart disease and respiratory system diseases were increasing with the amount of smoking per day and the duration of smoking respectively. Conclusions The adjusted RRs for dust exposed workers were close tothose for smokers with dust exposure and smoking having synergistic effects. Some of the adjusted RRs for PARP for smokers was higher than that for dust significant dose-effect between smoking and risk of deaths.
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