Study on AIDS related risk behaviors and the correlated factors among three groups of population in Sichuan province
收稿日期:  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 艾滋病|危险行为|相关因素
英文关键词: AIDS|Risk behaviors|Correlated factors
孙乔 200336 上海市疾病预防控制中心 
张建新 四川省中英性病艾滋病防治合作项目办公室 
李晓松 四川大学华西医学中心 
兰亚佳 四川大学华西医学中心 
车锡嘏 四川大学华西医学中心 
李宁秀 四川大学华西医学中心 
张灵麟 四川省中英性病艾滋病防治合作项目办公室 
顾仪 北京中英性病艾滋病防治合作项目办公室 
刘莉 四川省疾病预防控制中心 
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      目的 分析四川省艾滋病高危行为现状及相关因素. 方法 在卖淫妇女、注射吸毒者和长途卡车司机三类人群中进行艾滋病知识和行为问卷, 用χ2检验、F检验、logistic回归等方法进行危险行为相关因素分析. 结果 三类目标人群对艾滋病知识与文化程度有关(卖淫者r=0.307, P=0.000; 吸毒者F=93.07, P=0.000; 长途卡车司机F=30.06, P=0.000). 三类人群最近一次发生商业性行为时使用安全套的相关因素, 卖淫者和长途卡车司机为艾滋病的传播知识(OR=1.171, 1.145)和预防知识(OR=1.081, 1.397), 吸毒者为性别(OR=2.121). 结论 在不同的目标人群中有针对性地传达正确的艾滋病知识, 教授有效的预防艾滋病方法, 是减少危险行为发生率, 降低艾滋病危害的关键
      Objective To provide the basis for AIDS intervention, the study on the relationship between AIDS related risk behaviors and the related factors was carried out among prostitutes, injection drug users and long-distance truck drivers. Methods Questionnaire investigation and statistical analysis as χ2 test, F test, logistic regression were adopted to analysis the relationship between AIDS related risk behaviors and the correlated factors. Results Knowledge about AIDS seemed to be related to their level of understanding the problem (in commercial sex workers r=0.307, P=0.000,in injection drug users F=93.07,P=0.000,in truck man F=30.06,P=0.000).Condom use when entertaining their clients last time was related to the knowledge of HIV transmission in commercial sex workers and truck drivers(OR=1.171,1.145) and Knowledge of HIV prevention(OR=1.081,1.397),in drug users regarding gender difference(OR=2.121).Conclusion This study addressed that the effective means to reduce the rate of AIDS risk behaviors and to lessen the harm of AIDS are to improve the knowledge of AIDS and the effective methods to prevent AIDS in the high risk population
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