A retrospective survey in child sexual abuse among 565 university students
收稿日期:2003-12-15  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 儿童性虐待|心理健康|危险行为|回顾性调查
英文关键词: Child sexual abuse|Mental health|Risk behaviours|Retrospectives survey
陈晶琦 100083 北京大学儿童青少年卫生研究所 
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      目的 了解大学生中儿童期性虐待发生情况,探讨性虐待经历对大学生心理健康的影响。方法 用自填式问卷,于2003年9月对一所普通高校565名大学生就有关儿童期受性虐待经历进行不记名回顾性调查。结果 在被调查的565名大学生中,有20.0%(32/160)的女生和14.3%(58/405)的男生报告16岁以前曾经历过非身体接触或身体接触的性虐待,其中18名(11.3%)女生和31名(7.7%)男生经历过身体接触的性虐待。儿童期性虐待经历首次发生年龄59.4%的女生、51.7%的男生发生在11岁及以下。与没有儿童期性虐待经历的学生比较,有儿童期性虐待经历的学生抑郁情绪量表得分高;健康状况自我感觉评价得分低;症状自评简表中的躯体症状、敌意、强迫症状和焦虑得分高;有过性交行为及在调查的近一年里考虑过自杀、饮酒醉过的比例高。结论 儿童性虐待问题在中国并非少见。大学生心理健康问题与儿童期性虐待经历相关。亟待开展儿童期性虐待的预防工作及为受害者提供心理健康服务。
      Objective To examine the child sexual abuse (CSA) experiences and its associations with self-reported mental health status and risky behaviors among university students. Methods A retrospective survey was conducted in 565 undergraduate students, from a university in northeast China, by anonymous self-administered questionnaire in September 2003. Research subjects were asked on a series of retrospective questions about CSA, as well as questions on depression, self-esteem, symptoms of psychological disease and risky behaviours. Results Prevalence of any unwanted sexual experience before the age of 16 years was 20.0% for females and 14.3% for males. 11.3% of females and 7.7% of males reported ever having had at least one type of physical contact abuse. The students with CSA were with more depression, lower health self-evaluation; more symptoms in somatization, hostility, obsessive and anxiety. More students reported to have experienced sexual intercourse, been drunk, and suicide ideation than unaffected students. Conclusion The Results indicated that unwanted child sexual abuse was not uncommon, and associated with poor mental health. The findings highlighted the urgent need for sexual abuse prevention programs and mental health services for victims in China.
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