The discovery of naked cluster particles of Parachlamydia and its developmental mechanism
收稿日期:2004-04-26  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 副衣原体|自由生活阿米巴|电镜观察
英文关键词: Parachlamydia|Acanthamoeba|Electron microscopy
李勤学 200032,上海复旦大学公共卫生学院  
姜庆五 200032,上海复旦大学公共卫生学院 qwjiang@shmu.deu.cn 
沈洁 200032,上海复旦大学公共卫生学院  
李子华 200032,上海复旦大学公共卫生学院  
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      目的 探索副衣原体在棘阿米巴内的生长发育变化特征。方法 采用阿米巴共培养技术,通过染色和电镜观察了解不同时期滋养体中副衣原体生长的形态变化。结果 在电镜下,可见副衣原体BN9存在典型的二个生活形态:即网织体和原体,在滋养体内可形成成熟的吞噬内体,网织体在吞噬内体内以二分裂方式繁殖,然后发育成成熟的原体颗粒,吞噬内体中,可见原体与网织体并存;胞浆中可见较多的游离原体颗粒。在成熟囊胞中,胞浆内可见较多的游离原体颗粒。感染后期,观察到成堆的的圆形裸露的颗粒,有原体和网织体,而宿主阿米巴的细胞结构已被溶解,吉姆尼兹染色表现为蓝紫色。结论 副衣原体在阿米巴内可形成吞噬内体,出现二个发育期:网织体期和原体期,可发生胞内释放,反复形成吞噬体而复制繁殖,最终导致阿米巴滋养体裂解或溶解;轻度感染的滋养体可发生囊胞化,成熟囊胞的胞浆内可携带有感染能力的原体颗粒。
      Objective To study the survival and developmental morphology of Parachlamydia (BN9) within Acanthamoeba. Methods The morphology of BN9 within Acanthamoeba was studied by inverted phase contrast microscope, electron microscope, Gimenez and AO-staining with amoebal coculture Results The endosomal maturation-blocked were formed after the egress of BN9. Two developmental stages-elementary and reticulate bodies, were both observed within the vacuoles. The reticulate bodies, multiplicated by binary fission, were located mainly within the vacuoles, while the elementary bodies can also be located in the plasma individually. The naked cluster particles were observed after the trophozoites cytolysis with Gimenez-staining. The light infectious trophozoites could encyst, and elementary bodies could survive within the mature cysts. Conclusion The egress of BN9 could form the endosomal maturation-blocked, which was presented in two developmental stages-elementary and reticulate bodies. It exhibited the cytolysin activity that could lyse the infectious trophozoites and were expelled in the vesicles. A few light infected amoeba could encyst with survival elementary bodies in the plasma.
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