Comparison of data population-based and from hospital-based injuries
收稿日期:2004-02-06  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 伤害  流行病学  医院  构成比
英文关键词: Injuries  Epidemiology  Hospital  Distribution
周灵妮 中国疾病预防控制中心, 北京, 100050 
马杰民 中国疾病预防控制中心, 北京, 100050 
李忠杰 中国疾病预防控制中心, 北京, 100050 
陈曙旸 中国疾病预防控制中心, 北京, 100050 
杨功焕 中国疾病预防控制中心, 北京, 100050 
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      目的 比较人群伤害调查和医院调查中伤害原因顺位,以及同一伤害在人群和医院就诊病例中的年龄构成的差异。方法 比较人群调查和医院调查获得的伤害发生原因构成,同一伤害在人群和医院就诊病例中的年龄构成的差异。结果 四县人群调查前四位伤害原因为机械性损伤、跌倒、烧烫伤和道路交通伤害。四县医院急诊科的伤害就诊病例原因构成前四位为道路交通伤害、他人加害、机械性损伤和烧烫伤。人群调查和医院调查中道路交通伤害的年龄构成差异没有显著性,机械性损伤、烧烫伤、跌倒和他人加害年龄构成差异有显著性。结论 人群调查和医院调查的结果 存在差异,使用医院数据进行伤害情况描述时应慎重。
      Objective To compare data from an epidemiological survey on injuries with a survey conducted in hospitals on injuries in the same areas and to find out the differences and shortcomings of hospital data in describing the feature of injuries in an area. Methods Comparing the causes and age distributions of injuries from the two surveys. Results The. first 4 leading causes of injuries from the population-based survey were mechanical injuries, falls, burns/scalds and traffic accidents while the first 4 leading causes of hospital-based survey were traffic accidents, assault, mechanical injuries and burns/scalds. The differences of the age distributions of these leading causes between the two surveys were significant except mechanical injuries. Conclusion Differences were noticed between population-based survey and hospital-based survey. It should be cautions when using hospital data to describe the features of injuries in a certain area.
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