Hypothesis on generating and tracer gas study regarding transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome through ventilation system in a general hospital
收稿日期:2004-02-10  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 严重急性呼吸综合征  示踪剂  传播途径
英文关键词: Severe acute r espiratory syndrome  Tr acer  Route of transmission
何耀 解放军总医院老年医学研究所, 北京 100853 
邢玉斌 解放军总医院管理研究所, 北京 100853 
倪彬 解放军总医院老年医学研究所, 北京 100853 
姜勇 解放军总医院老年医学研究所, 北京 100853 
索继江 解放军总医院管理研究所, 北京 100853 
钟光林 解放军总医院管理研究所, 北京 100853 
常青 解放军总医院老年医学研究所, 北京 100853 
姜斌 解放军总医院针灸科, 北京 100853 
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      Objective?? By measuring airflow and ventilation distributio n of w ar d building, to explore and verify the hypothesis of airbor ne transmission and risk factor o f severe acute respir ator y syndrome ( SARS) nosocomial infectio n. Methods?? T racer gas ( perfume of plant oil) was emitted to the bathroom of w ards w hen SARS index patient liv ed. Six different ex perimental situations were designed to co ntrol the status of exhaust fan in bathrooms, ex haust fan in the top of building and fresh air exchange system. The concentr at ion of perfume was separat ely measured by 4 groups o f lab workers and recorded blindly by the scores of ?? tent h degree?? . Results?? Tracer gas was detected from the wards of 8th to 13th floor. Conclusion Architecture and v entilation system of the inpatient building in the hospital contr ibuted to the aerodynamic condition of SARS nosocomial infection t hrough airborne tr ansmission. The distribution of tracer gas in the w ards was associated with SARS patients in this building . It w as possible that SARS could have been t ransmitted to for distance by aerosol or other carriers.
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