Study on the validation of the computer science application’s activity monitor in assessing the physical activity among adults using doubly labeled water method
收稿日期:2004-07-19  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 加速度计  双标水  能量消耗
英文关键词: Aaccelerometer  Doubly labeled water  Energy expenditure
刘爱玲 100050 北京,中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所 
李艳平 100050 北京,中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所 
宋军 100050 北京,中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所 
潘慧 100050 北京,中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所 
韩秀明 100050 北京,中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所 
马冠生 100050 北京,中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所 
摘要点击次数: 4372
全文下载次数: 1979
      目的 对加速度计(CSA)测量成年人日常体力活动的效度进行验证并提出根据 CSA数据预测能量消耗的方程。方法 选取 72 名北京市居民,年龄(43.6±4.0)岁,男性 33 名,女性 39名,作为调查对象,佩带7天CSA,在同一期间采用双标水方法(DLW) 测量能量消耗,包括平均每天总能量消耗(TEE)、平均每天体力活动能量消耗(AEE)和体力活动水平(PAL)作为验证标准。结果通过CSA测量的平均每天活动计数(AC)与TEE、AEE和PAL之间均呈显著相关,偏相关系数 r 分别为0.31、0.30、0.26(P<0.05)。逐步多元回归分析表明,影响TEE的因素包括去脂体重或体重指数、AC(R2=0.52~0.70),影响AEE的因素包括AC、性别和去脂体重(R2=0.25~0.32)。结论 CSA能准确测量中国成年人日常体力活动模式,AC可以解释TEE和AEE的变异。
      Objective Using doubly labeled water method to validate the colmputer science application’s activity monitor (CSA) in assessing physical activity of free-living adults in Beijing,in order to develop equations to predicttotal daily energy expenditure(TEE) and activity related energy expenditure (AEE) from activity counts (AC) and anthropometric variables. Methods A total of 72 healthy adults (33males and 39 females,mean age 43.6 ±4.0 yr) were monitored for 7 consecutive days by CSA. TEE was simultaneously measured using doubly labeled water method. Average AC (counts/ min - 1 ) was compared with TEE,AEE and physical activity level(PAL).Results Physical activity determined by AC was significantly related to data on energy expenditures:TEE(r =0.31,P < 0.01),AEE(r = 0.30,P <0.05),and PAL(r =0.26,P<0.05).Multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that TEE was significantly influenced by gender,fat2free mass (FFM) or BMI and AC(R2 = 0.52~0.70) while AEE was significantly influenced by gender,FFM and AC( R2 = 0.25~0.32).Conclusion AC from CSA activity monitor seemed a useful measure in studying the total amount of physical activity in free-living adults while AC significantly contributed to the explained variation in TEE and AEE.
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