Study on the living condition of people affected by leprosy in Guizhou province
收稿日期:2004-09-09  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 麻风  生存状况
英文关键词: Leprosy  Living condition
牟鸿江 贵州省疾病预防控制中心艾滋病性病皮肤病防治研究所 贵阳 550002 
柯伟 贵州省疾病预防控制中心艾滋病性病皮肤病防治研究所 贵阳 550002 
包夏 贵州省疾病预防控制中心艾滋病性病皮肤病防治研究所 贵阳 550002 
王颖 贵州省疾病预防控制中心艾滋病性病皮肤病防治研究所 贵阳 550002 
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      目的 了解贵州省近年来麻风患者及治愈者的婚姻状况、劳动生活能力、经济收入等生存状况. 方法 按照统一的技术标准和方法, 对全省所有登记病例进行入户调查, 并填写全国统一的调查表. 结果 13034例调查对象中, 农民占91. 19%, <18岁学龄人群仅有13. 01%现在学校就读;12816例达到法定婚龄的患者, 其中男性未婚率明显高于女性, 麻风村内患者又明显高于家庭治疗患者(P<0. 01). 村内患者劳动能力丧失、生活不能自理的比例均明显高于家庭治疗患者. 麻风患者人均年收入仅为全省农村的1/2, 全国农村的1/4. 结论 贵州省麻风患者的生存状况令人堪忧, 尤以麻风村为甚, 政府有关部门应建立切实可行的综合防治体系和救助体系, 并对重点人群有针对性地开展健康教育, 减少社会对麻风的恐惧与歧视, 才能使其真正重返社会.
      Objective To study the marriage status, labour ability,income and other living condition of people affected by leprosy,and to provide information on prevention, cure and salvation programs from the government. Methods Based on the standardized national criteria and method, all registered people affected by leprosy in the whole province were asked to fill in a nationally standardized Form. Results Out of th 13 034 cases, 91.19 % were farmers and only 13.01 % of the teenagers were at school.On 12 816 patients at age for marriage, there were more unmarried males than females, more living in the leprosy villages than those living outside of the leprosy village(P 0.01). Disability rate in leprosy villages was seen more than outside ofthe leprosy village. Per capita average annual income for the people affected by leprosy was only half of the average individual income in the whole province and 1/4 of the individual income in the nation. Conclusion The living condition of those leprosy-affected people, particularly living in leprosy villages, called for special attention and the government should take comprehensive prevention to publicize the knowledge on leprosy to reduce fear and discrimination against them.
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