Study on knowledge, attitudes and behaviors regarding infectious diseases among Chinese people in 2002
收稿日期:2005-02-24  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 病毒性肝炎  性病  艾滋病  中国人群
英文关键词: Hepatitis  Sexually transmitted diseases  Acquired immune deficiency syndrome  Chinese population
马杰民 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学基础医学研究所, 北京 100005 
刘娜 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学基础医学研究所, 北京 100005 
陈爱平 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学基础医学研究所, 北京 100005 
杨功焕 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学基础医学研究所, 北京 100005 
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      Objective To describe knowledg e, attitudes and behaviors on infectious diseases in differ ent Chinese populatio ns by their education levels, o ccupation and resident ial distr icts. Methods Data regar ding awareness of the transmission r outes and prevention str ategies on hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases(STD), acquired immune deficiency sy ndr ome (AIDS) and pr evalence rates on a) self reported STD b) seeking tr eatment for STD c) source of know ledge on AIDS prev ention, were calculated based on results from 17 questions of BRFS questionnaire by w eight on age structures from 2000 census. Results Most people realized that hepat itis, STD and AIDS were important issues in public health. How ev er, their awareness on the transmission routes of these diseases was not satisfied. Moreover, due to the fear of these diseases, 27. 6% and 30. 1% of the people studied thoug ht that shaking hands with STD patients and HIV carriers could get infected. 9. 9% of the people repor ted that they ever used a condom dur ing the past year.2. 2/1000 of the people reported that they had ever suffer ed fr om STD during the past 5 years, with 3. 4/1000 in males, 0. 9/1000 in females, 4. 2/1000 in urban population and 1. 6/1000 in rural po pulatio n. Among t hese STD patients, 75. 0% of them reported that they had ever received treatment in a STD clinic including 38. 2% of them reporting that they had ever received treatment in pr ivate clinics without license,and 6. 7% of t hem reported that they had ever tr eated by drugs bought by t hemselves. 47. 0% of people reported that they had received health education mater ials or information on AIDS prevention from medical workers or through media. 12. 1% of the people had been informed that condom use could prevent from STD and AIDS transmission. Conclusion The aw ar eness on hepatitis, STD and AIDS was quite insufficient in the Chinese gener al population, especially in rural and western part of China. With the development of AIDS epidemic fr om people with high risk behav ior to the gener al po pulation, China willunder take tremendous disease burdens from AIDS in the future.
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