A cross-sectional study on the prevalence and risk factors of disabilities in aged 0-6 years children in Beijing, China
收稿日期:2004-11-18  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 残疾  儿童  现况调查
英文关键词: Disability  Children  Cross-sectional study
王晓华 北京, 首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院北京妇幼保健院保健部 100006  
曲成毅 山西医科大学公共 卫生学院流行病 学教研室 quc-y@public.ty.sx.cn 
施继良 北京市残疾人联合会康复部  
刘钢 北京市卫生局妇幼处  
张致祥 北京大学医学部第一附属医院儿科, 第六附属医院儿科  
杨小玲 北京大学医学部第一附属医院儿科, 第六附属医院儿科  
孙喜斌 中国聋儿康复研究中心  
孙琳 北京儿童医院骨科  
郑远远 北京眼科研究所  
刘熙朴 北京圣康华眼科医院  
邵翠霞 北京市残疾人康复服务指导中心社区指导部  
滕红红 北京, 首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院北京妇幼保健院保健部 100006  
王燕 北京大学医学部公共卫生学院儿少与妇幼卫生系  
摘要点击次数: 3717
全文下载次数: 1449
      Objective To explore the epidemiological status of disabilities on vision impairment(VI), hearing loss(HL), mental retardation(MR), autism spectrum disorder(ASD) and motor disorder(MD) in aged 0-6 years old children in Beijing. Methods A total of 28 738children under 7 years old were recruited from permanent residents of Beijing City by 2-phase cluster sampling. The screening procedure was 2-phase, and the diagnosis criteria were developed by the experts group. Results The overall disability rate was 11.45‰( 95%CI: 10.22- 12.68). The false negative rates in HL and ASD were 0.14‰, 0.80‰, respectively, with a adjusted overall rate of 12.19‰. The prevalence rates of different kind disabilities from high to low were MR 9.31‰, MD 2.12‰, ASD 1.53‰( 0.73‰ before adjusted), HL 1.04‰( 0.91‰ before adjusted) VI 0.73‰. The results of logistic regression analysis showed that the possible non-biological risk factors for those disabilities were being male, living in city area, advancing age, mother with low education, mother engaged in labor work, and family with low income. It was primarily ( 49.62%) those prenatal factors other them the known suspected factors that causing disabilities. Conclusions Compared with data from a countrywide study in 1987, the overall disability rate had a mild decrease( 16.36%) with the most ( 56.85%) appeared in HL. It is indispensable to establish a disabilities surveillance program for the early recognition and intervention of children with disabilities. It is also crucial to clarify a disability definition for children combined with their characteristics of growth and development. We strongly recommended in developing a new definition on children' disabilities and establishing new criteria according to the contents of developmental disabilities of Center for Disease Control, USA.
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