Study on the timeliness of the notifiable communicable diseases surveillance system in Fijian province, China, 2004
收稿日期:2005-02-24  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 传染病  监测系统  时效性
英文关键词: Communicable diseases  Surveillance system  Timeliness
洪荣涛 福建省疾病预防控制中心, 福州 350001 
欧剑鸣 福建省疾病预防控制中心, 福州 350001 
章灿明 福建省疾病预防控制中心, 福州 350001 
黄文龙 福建省疾病预防控制中心, 福州 350001 
谢忠杭 福建省疾病预防控制中心, 福州 350001 
江爱民 福建省疾病预防控制中心, 福州 350001 
许龙善 福建省疾病预防控制中心, 福州 350001 
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      目的 掌握福建省传染病监测时效性。方法 利用福建省2004年网络直报系统的传染病个案库,分析网络直报各环节的时效性及其影响因素。结果 医疗机构的“诊断→生成”总的P50为1天,比该省2001—2003年P50为7天提前了6天;0天及时率为46.46%,比2001-2003年的12.68%增加了2.7倍。推断分析提示,传染病监测的时效性与不同行政区、报告单位、病种有关,县及县级以上医院、中医院监测时效性为最好,P50为0天,但0天及时率仅为50.76%,且病例来源占70.04%;疾病预防控制中心(CDC)最差,P50为3天,与其报告病例来源于无网络直报条件的卫生院有关,卫生院较差,P50为2天;卫生院、CDC网络直报的病例占21.21%。CDC的“生成→确认”总的P50为4 h,24 h内及时率为63.65%。结论 实行医疗机构网络直报后传染病监测时效性由过去的7 天降至当今的1天,但0天及时率未过半,必须进一步加强系统全员培训、医院内部管理、CDC自身完善,优化网络直报系统,尽快解决不具备网络直报条件的卫生院网络建设问题。
      Objective To understand the timeliness of the notifiable communicable diseases surveillance system in Fujian province. Methods Database from the internet based communicable diseases reporting system was used. Results The 50th percentile of time between the disease diagnosed and report recorded in medical faculties was 1 day in 2004 which was 6 days less than that in 2001 — 2003. The timeliness rate of 0 day was 46.46%,a 2.7 times over that in 2001 - 2003, The timeliness of notifiable communicable diseases starveillance system in different administrative areas, reporting units and on different diseases was significantly different. Time between the disease diagnosed and report recorded was the shortest in those cases reported by hospitals and traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) hospitals at the county level and above, with 50th percentile as 0 day,but the timeliness rate of 0 day was 50.76% with 70.04% of the cases were reported from hospitals and TCM hospitals of county level and above. Length between the disease diagnosed and reported was the longest in those cases recorded by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDCs) with the 50th percentile as 3 days. The source of cases recorded by CDCs came from hospitals at the township level,where there was no connection to internet but the reporting cards had to be sent to local CDCs. Time between the disease being diagnosed and reported was 2 days in those cases reported by hospitals at the township level. 21.21% of cases were recorded by hospitals of township level and CDCs. The 50th percentile of time shown between the reported records and confirmed by CDCs was 4 hours The 24 hour timeliness rate was 63.65%. Conclusion The timeliness of the notifiable communicable diseases surveillance system had been improved significantly after the medical personnel recording the cases directly through internet. Timeliness could be further improved through access to internet at the hospitals of township level,training of staff and better hospital management systems.
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