Prospective study on family burden following traumatic brain injury in children
收稿日期:2005-07-14  出版日期:2014-10-17
中文关键词: 脑外伤  家庭负担  前瞻性研究
英文关键词: Traumatic brain injury  Family burden  Prospective study
陈辉 华中科技大学同济医学院公共卫生学院 
蒙衡 华中科技大学同济医学院公共卫生学院 
卢祖洵 华中科技大学同济医学院公共卫生学院 
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      目的了解武汉市儿童脑外伤后家庭负担变化的基本状况。方法以0~17岁脑外伤患者作为研究对象进行前瞻性研究,分别于儿童住院期间及出院6个月后,利用以上经过检验的家庭负担测量工具,测量儿童家庭所承受的压力和负担及其变化,并利用儿童行为量表(CBCL)对脑外伤后儿童的社会行为能力进行评估。结果 113例儿童在脑外伤发生前、住院期间及出院6个月后随访时家庭功能评价问卷(APGAR)平均得分分别为7.96、6.94、7.60分,配对t检验显示,家庭功能在外伤发生后发生障碍,6个月后恢复到外伤发生前的水平,但重度脑外伤对家庭功能的影响在出院6个月后仍未得到恢复。住院期间疾病家庭负担会谈量表(FBS)得分最高的3个维度分别为家庭经济负担、家庭日常生活、家庭娱乐活动。出院6个月后FBS量表总得分下降,家庭成员心理健康维度得分最高,其次为家庭经济负担维度和家庭关系维度,配对t检验结果表明脑外伤对家庭成员心理健康的影响在儿童出院6个月后尚未得到消除。113例儿童出院6个月后CBCL得分均在正常范围内。结论脑外伤发生后家庭APGAR得分降低,FBS得分提高,表明脑外伤儿童的家庭受到伤害事件的影响,其家庭负担加重,家庭功能发生障碍。随着疾病的康复,除重度脑外伤组以外,脑外伤儿童的家庭功能均可恢复正常。
      Objective To collect basic information on family burdens and long-term influence of children suffered from traumatic brain injury(TBI) . Methods Through prospective study,child behavioral problems,and injury-related family burden were assessed longitudinally in children with TBI over 6 months during the post injury peirod and children's pre-injury family function rated by parents soon after injury. Post injury child behavior and family outcomes were assessed at 6-month follow-up period. Results The mean adaptation partnership growth affection and resolve scale(APGAR) score of 113 children before TBI was 7.96 and score after TBI was 6.94, which had significantly difference through t test. The mean APGAR score after 6 months was 7.60, which was significantly different from the hospital data. Among group with severe TBI,the family APGAR score in hospital was significantly smaller than that before injury occured, and the family APGAR score in 6 months after being dischaged from the hospital had no significant difference with the score when staying in the hospital. The three leading dimensions among family burden scale of diaeases(FBS) scores after TBI were dimension of family economic burden, family daily life and family entertainment. 6 months later, the three leading dimensions had changed to be as dimension of mental health status, dimension of family relationship and dimension of family economic burden. Mean score of child behavior checklist(CBCL) assessed at 6~months follow up period among 113 children was among normal range. Conclusions Family function of children with TBI was affected by TBI. However,family function could be recovered along with child's convalesence except among children with severe TBI. Long-term pressure of TBI on family was revealed in mental health status and family relationship. In this study, there were no evidence of association between TBI and children's behavior problem.
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