Surveys on the implementation of "rules on stop smoking in the public places in Beijing" from 1997 to 2004
收稿日期:2006-01-26  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 法规  控烟  评价  市民
英文关键词: Rules  Ooutrol tobacco  Evaluate  Beijing residents
崔小波 首都医科大学, 北京 100069
李春雨 首都医科大学, 北京 100069
饶英生 北京市爱国卫生运动委员会办公室  
摘要点击次数: 3236
全文下载次数: 1498
      目的调查1997-2004年《北京市公共场所禁止吸烟的规定》(法规)执行情况。方法采用多层随机抽样方式进行居民入户调查,调查对象为15岁以上所有家庭成员,全市共抽取了4个区为研究现场,即1997年为西城、宣武、海淀、丰台区;2001年为西城、宣武、海淀、丰台区;2004年为宣武、崇文、朝阳、丰台区。结果70%左右的单位(学校)的会议室都有禁烟标志;40%左右的人从未看见过检查员批评或处罚吸烟者,只有不足10%的被调查者经常看见检查员批评或处罚吸烟者; 60%左右的人从未听到过表彰或者处罚控制吸烟的信息,只有不足10%的被调查者听到过表彰或者处罚控制吸烟的信息;人们获得法规内容的主要途径为电视和报纸。结论禁烟法规执行8年来,有一定的成绩,但没有取得实质性的效果。
      Objective To find out the situation of the implementation on "rule. on atop.cooking in the public places in Beijing",a study was carried out to compare the results from 1997 and ?001.Methods Thousands of residents aged above 15 in a family were sampled by stratified sampling, and 4 district, were,elected as study locales.Results(1)About 40% of the department or school leaders considered much about the work on banning of smoking with 70 0/u of the departments or schools having posters of signs on 'ban on smoking' in the meeting rooms.(2)Some of the departments or schools had inspectors looking after the issue. (3) 600/} of the people had never or 10%had seen that the inspector. ever criticizing or punishing the smokers who violating the rules. (4) People still often saw acme one would smoke in public (the rates were 19.53%,37.89%,6.35 0h} respectively in 1997,?001,2004).(5)People received the information of these rule. through TV news or newspaper.Conclusion Although success had been achieved since the implementation of the Rules, it did not seem to have had substantial progress
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