Study on the current status and relative factors on reproductive health of unmarried floating population in Huizhou city
收稿日期:2006-05-19  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 生殖健康  流动人口  未婚
英文关键词: Reproductive health  Floating population  Unmarried
基金项目:联合国人口基金资助项目(UNFPA.RH/FP CPR/03/P01)
赵庆国 510010 广州, 广东省妇幼保健院 
李兵 510010 广州, 广东省妇幼保健院 
田丰莲 510010 广州, 广东省妇幼保健院 
袁东妹 惠州市妇幼保健院 
陈慈磊 惠州市惠州城区卫生局 
潘文静 惠州市妇幼保健院 
刘敏 惠州市妇幼保健院 
温小平 惠州市惠州城区卫生局 
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      Objective To understand the current status and relative factors of reproductive health(RH) on unmarried floating population. Methods Both quantitative and qualitative surveys were employed.Quantitative survey would include questionnaire admimistration, physic examination and laboratory test while qualitative study including focus/nominal group discussion, individual and resource persons interview.All of the investigative targets were selected under informed consent.Results Among 1333 investigated unmarried floating population, the mean score on knowledge of RH was 12.97±12.20(the full score was 100).Among studied persons, 10.20% of them were in favor of unmarried sexualactivity while 50.64% of them did not care about it and 26.90% of them had ever experienced sexual activity.Among females who experienced sexual activity, 25.45% of them had induced abortion.It was found,through multivariate logistic analysis, that sexual activity at younger age, less education, agreed on having sexual activity under partner's request, sexual activity in half of a year, and pregnancy were the major risk factors on RH of unmarried floating population.Conclusion The problem on the current status of RH among unmarried floating population needs to be addressed as they were lack of knowledge on RH and having more risk factors on RH.
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