Retrospective analysis of drug treatment on inpatients with chronic heart failure
收稿日期:2006-04-20  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 慢性,心力衰竭  住院病例  药物治疗
英文关键词: Chronic heart failure  Inpatients  Drug treatment
马金萍 天津医科大学第二医院心脏科 300211  
王林 天津医科大学第二医院心脏科 300211 wang.1in@medmail.com.cn 
党群 天津市第一中心医院  
李永健 天津市第一中心医院  
李喜元 天津医科大学第二医院心脏科 300211  
张承宗 天津医科大学第二医院心脏科 300211  
李广平 天津医科大学第二医院心脏科 300211  
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      Objective To investigate drug treatment of inpatients with chronic heart failure(CHF)during the past 30 years in some areas and to provide more information on the treatment strategy of CHF.Methods In two centers a retrospective study was conducted. All data were taken from the hospitalizedcases with chronic heart failure. The medication distributions in different decade,gender,age heart functiongrade and etiology were analyzed. Results 5189 cases were enrolled with the ratio of male to female as1:1. 02. The mean age was ( 62. 93士13.49) years old. The general causes of chronic heatt failure were asfollows: coronary heart disease(44.2%),rheumatic heart disease ( 24. 1%),pulmonary heart disease(19.00,6)and cardiomyopathy (4.8%).The admission cardiac function was mostly seen as grade NYHAⅢ and Ⅳ,and their proportions were 40.6 0.6 and 44.5.Major medication would include nitride(80.0%),diuretics(71.8%),digitalis(68.1%),angiotensin conversion enzyme inhibitors(ACEI)(52. 2 %)andβ-blockers(19. 5 %)etc. Moreover the frequency of above used medication was essentiallyincreasing decade by decade. The major drug treatment of pulmonary heart disease also included diuretics,nitride, digitalis. ACEI was more commonly used in male than in female cases. The frequency of ACEI andARB were more commonly used in the group ≥60 years old than that in the group<60 years old. Theadministration frequency of β一blockers had no significant difference among different age and sexesConclusion The conventional drugs such as nitride,diuretics,digitalis were still dominated the treatment ofCHF.Although the administration frequency of ACEI and (3-Mockers increased quickly,there had been agreat gap between the optimal medical strategy and clinical practice in the management of CHF. Datashowed the treatment strategy was changing.
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