Astudy Oil viral gastroenteritis attributed to noroviruses in hospitals
收稿日期:2006-12-06  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: Noro病毒  医院内感染  临床特征
英文关键词: Noroviruses  Hospital infection  Clinical feature
陈美芳 北京大学人民医院, 北京 100041  
高燕 北京大学人民医院, 北京 100041 gaoyan6384@163.corn 
贾立平 首都儿科研究所, 北京 100020  
张又 首都儿科研究所, 北京 100020  
钱渊 首都儿科研究所, 北京 100020  
武迎宏 北京大学人民医院, 北京 100041  
张正 北京大学人民医院, 北京 100041  
解基严 北京大学人民医院, 北京 100041  
苗懿德 北京大学人民医院, 北京 100041  
魏来 北京大学人民医院, 北京 100041  
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      目的: 了解Noro病毒感染引起医院内暴发集体腹泻的临床特点。方法: 分析一起18例医院内暴发腹泻患者的流行病学和临床资料, 同时对每例患者粪便标本进行细菌培养, 随机选择7例粪便标本用抗原检测和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳进行轮状病毒RNA检测; 用逆转录聚合酶链反应检测Noro病毒核酸以确定感染的病原, 分析感染患者的临床特点和易感因素。 结果: 发病者多为老年合并多种基础疾病; 腹泻主要为稀水便(12/18, 66.67%), 个别为黏液稀便(3/18, 16.67%); 大部分粪便常规检测正常(10/18, 55.56%), 个别见少量白细胞(3/18, 16.67%)和潜血弱阳性(4/18, 22.22%); 全部粪便标本细菌学培养阴性; 轮状病毒RNA检测阴性; 3份标本中检出Noro病毒核酸, 阳性率为42.86%(3/7)。结论: Noro病毒是此次医院内集体暴发腹泻的重要病原之一, 尤其多见于有基础疾病、体弱的老年患者。
      Objective: To better understand the clinical feature of viral gastroenteritis attributed to noroviruses and to summarize the experience on an outbreak of acute gastroenteritis through rapidly colleting and confirmation of related information regarding to noroviruses in hospitals. Methods: Information on atl outbreaks involving 18 patients with acute gastroenteritis in one hospital regarding its epidemiological and elinieal features and to perform bacteria culture for st001 specimens on every patient. On 7 patients rotavirus antigen were RNA tested together with norovirus nucleic acid were examined by ELISA and PAGE and RT-PCR. Results: (1) Most of the patients were elderly with several chronic diseases. (2) Watery diarrhea(12/18, 66.67%) and few with mucous (3/18, 16+67% )were seen. Most st001 examination was normal (10/18, 55.56%) but few stool speeimen could be found with some 1eucocytes (3/18, 16.67%) and little occult blood (4/18, 22.22%). (3) AIl bacteria euhure in stools showed negative. There was 110 rotavirus RNA identified but 3 specimen showed norovirus nucleic acid positive as 42.86% (3/7), Conclusion: Norovirus was one of the important pathogens causing acute gastroenteritis outbreaks in hospitals attacking elderly with several chrome diseases in particular. Surveillance program targeting elderly inpatient with diarrhea should be enhanced, especially in autumn and winter.
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