Detection of diarrheagenie Escherichia coil harboring genomic O island 28 isolated from children diarrhea in Taiynan
收稿日期:2006-07-17  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: OI-28毒力基因组岛  致泻大肠埃希菌  小儿腹泻
英文关键词: Genomic O island 28  Diarrheagenic E.coli  Children diarrhea
李连青 山两省临床检验中心, 太原 030012  
黄永峰 山两省临床检验中心, 太原 030012  
戎建荣 山两省临床检验中心, 太原 030012  
武素梅 山西省儿童医院, 太原 30013  
刘小玉 山两省临床检验中心, 太原 030012  
朱庆义 广州金域医学检验中心 qingyi@kingmed.conl.cn 
徐建国 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所, 北京 102206  
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      目的: 探讨携带0I-28毒力基因组岛致泻大肠埃希菌在小儿腹泻中的病原学作用。方法: 在山西省儿童医院采集257例腹泻病患儿粪便, 做肠道病原菌常规培养和致泻大肠埃希菌血清学分型鉴定, 用PCR和DNA斑点杂交检测致泻大肠埃希菌EHEC OI-28毒力基因组岛中与RTX相关的5个毒力基因。结果: 257例腹泻病患儿检出病原菌206株(80.16%)。其中大肠埃希菌149株(57.98%), 其他肠道致病菌57株(22.18%)。血清分型检出致泻大肠埃希菌EPEC 3株(2.01%)、ETEC2株(1.34%)、EHEC 2株(1.34%), 其余142株为“疑似致泻大肠埃希菌”(55.25%)。149株大肠埃希菌中0I-28 5个基因全阳性者21株(14.09%), 1个基因阳性者8株(5.37%), 2个基因阳性者2株(1.34%)。2l例携带OI-28毒力基因组岛大肠埃希菌感染的腹泻患儿, 以3岁以下小儿为主(80.95%)。结论: 携带0I-28毒力基因组岛大肠埃希菌是夏季小儿腹泻的重要病原菌之一。
      Objective: To investigate the etiologic value of diarrheagenie E.coil harboring genomie oisland 28(OI-28) containing five putative virulence genes(Z0608, Z0609, Z06 15, Z0634 and Z0635), which were related to RTX (Repeat in toxin)toxin family isolated from children with diarrheal disease iDTaiyuan. Methods: In the study.257 fecal samples from children with diarrheal disease collected in Shanxi Children's Hospital. Diarrheagenic E.coli and enteropathogenic bacteria were isolated and identified by conventional bacterial culture and typing specific diarrheagenie E.coli(EPEC, EIEC, ETEC and EHEC) diagnostic serum while diarrheagenie E.coli harboring genomie OI 28 containing five putative virulence genes (Z0608, Z0609, Z0615, Z0634 and Z0635) were detected by PCR and DNA southern blot hybridization. Results: 206 strains (80.16%) of enteropathogenic bacteria were detected from 257 children with diarrhea disease containing 149 strains (57.98%) of diarrheagenic E.coli and 57 strains (22.18%) of other entero pathogenic bacteria. Among 3 strains (2.01%) of EPEC, 2 strains (1.34%) of ETEC, 2 strains (1.34%) EHEC were detected by typing specific serum, while all of the 142 strains (95.30%) isolated were suspected to be diarrheagenic E.coli.21 strains(14.09%)of diarrheagenic E.coil harboring genomie OI 28 containing five putative virulence genes(Z0608, Z0609, Z06l5, Z0634 and Z0635) were detected by polymerase chain reaction and DNA southen blot hybridization, 8 strains (5.37%) of diarrheagenic E.coli containing only onegenomic OI-28 virulence gene, 2 strains (1.34%) of diarrheagenic E.coli containing two genomic OI-28 virulence gene. 21 children with diarrhea diseases caused 0I-28-harboring E.coli containing five important putative virulence genes were among 0 to 3 years old (80.95%). These children correlating with OI-28-harboring E+coli did not present special clinical symptoms or signs. Conclusion: The diarrheagenic E.coil harboring genomic OI-28*as one of the important etiology for children with diarrheal disease in SUnlnler season.
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