Psychological weIl_being among adolescents of parents HVing with AIDS or HIV
收稿日期:  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 艾滋病  心理卫生  生活满意度  自尊  青少年
英文关键词: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome  Mental health  Life Satisfaction  self-esteem  Adolescent
苏普玉 230032 合肥, 安徽医科大学公共卫生学院儿少卫生与妇幼保健学系  
陶芳标 230032 合肥, 安徽医科大学公共卫生学院儿少卫生与妇幼保健学系 fbtao@126.com 
孙莹 230032 合肥, 安徽医科大学公共卫生学院儿少卫生与妇幼保健学系  
黄锟 230032 合肥, 安徽医科大学公共卫生学院儿少卫生与妇幼保健学系  
朱鹏 230032 合肥, 安徽医科大学公共卫生学院儿少卫生与妇幼保健学系  
程晓莉 安徽省疾病预防控制中心  
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全文下载次数: 1320
      目的了解安徽省艾滋病患者/艾滋病病毒感染者(A1DS/HIV)家庭青少年心理健康水平。方法从安徽省6个AIDS综合防治项目县抽取168个AIDs/I{IV家庭(每户父母双方至少有一方HIV检测阳性), 每个家庭调查1名10~18岁青少年, 共调查168名, 其中父母一方HIV阳性114名, 为HIV单亲阳性家庭组;父母双方HIV均阳性54名, 为HIV双亲阳性家庭组。在调查同时, 在同村调查1名年龄、性别相同的青少年作为非AIDS家庭组, 共调查了130人。使用症状自评量表、多维学生生活满意度量表(MSLSS)、自尊量表、简易应对方式问卷进行调查, 评价三组人群各项心理卫生状况的差异。结果HIV双亲阳性家庭组青少年心理卫生问题总检出率为27.8%, HIv单亲阳性家庭组为16:7%, 非AIDS家庭组为8.5%, 三组差异有统计学意义(Y2=11.457, P=0.003)。HIv双亲阳性家庭组青少年10个因子中至少1个因子分在2.0~3.0所占的比例为37.0%, HIV单亲阳性家庭组为29.8%, 非AIDS家庭组为19.2%, 三组间差异有统计学意义(Y2=7.250, P=0.027)。三组目前仍在就读的青少年中, AIDs/HIV家庭青少年MsLss的总分及5个维度的得分均低于非AIDs家庭组, HIV双亲阳性家庭组最低, 其中在朋友维度三组问差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论AIDs/HIV家庭与非AIDS家庭青少年心理卫生问题存在差异。
      ObjectiveTo investigate the psychological well_being among ad01escents of HIV-positive parents.Methods This study was inv01ving 298 adolescents from lO to 18 years old,including 54 adolescents of both parents living with AIDS or HIV,114 adolescents of one parent 1iving with AIDS or HIV and another 130 adolescents from normal families,Only one adolescent was studied per family. All participants completed an anonymous questionnaire. Psychological health,Satisfaction on life,self-esteem and coping style were evaluated by SCL-90,Multidimensional Students' Life satisfaction Scale,Self-esteem Scale and Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire.Results The total score and 10 factors of the SCL-90 in the adolescents of parents living with HIV or AIDS was higher than the adolescents from normal families and those scores in the adolescents of both parents living with HIV or AIDS were the highest.There were 27.8%of the adolescents with both HIV_positive parents were having the total Score of SCL-90 more than 160 or at lest one of the 10 factors'score more than 3.The detected rate of ad01escents with one HIV-positive parent was 16.7%,higher than those adolescents from normal families(8.5%)and with significant difference(Y2=11.457,P=O.003).50.O% of the adolescents with both HIV-positive parents,were having one or more factor'score between 2.O and 3.O,compared to the rate(37.O%)of adolescents with one HIV.positive parent.The rate was higher than the adolescents from normal families (29.8%)and with significant difference(x2=7.250,P=O.027).Among the students from normal families,the total score and the 5 dimensionalities'score of the MSI.SS were lower than those ad01escents of parents living with AIDS or HIV.In the friend dimensionality,the score of the adolescents from normal families was significantly higher than the adolescents of parents living with AIDS or HIV.The scores of self_esteem,positive coping style and negative coping style were not significantly different in three different subjects.Conclusion The psychological status of the adolescents of parents living with AIDS or HIV indicated unoptimistic situation.
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