Identification of a new subtype of bla ADC produced by Acinetobacter baumnnnii isolated in children
收稿日期:2007-04-05  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 鲍曼不动杆菌  头抱菌素酶  基因型
英文关键词: Acinetobacter baumat}nii  AmpC  Genotype
赵瑞珍 518026深圳市儿童医院 
陈乾 518026深圳市儿童医院 
郑跃杰 518026深圳市儿童医院 
糜祖煌 无锡市克隆遗传技术研究所 
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      目的 检测28株儿童临床分离的鲍曼不动杆菌(AB菌),研究其产生blaADC型的头孢菌素酶的基因型。方法 收集2006年分离自儿科临眯的28株AB菌,采用VITEK-32全白动微生物鉴定仅GNI和GNS卡进行细菌鉴定和药敏试验。blaADC基因检测用聚台酶链反应(PCR)方法及序列分析确定其基因型。结果 检测的28株AB菌有3株晕多重耐药性,阳性率10.71%,blaADC检出17株,阳性率60.71%,28株菌对头孢西丁均耐药,blaADC阳性菌株中对氨苄西林/舒巴坦均敏感,哌抟西林/他唑巴坦只有l株耐药,而对氨管西林/舒巴坦和哌拉西林/他唑巴坦耐药的菌株中并未 分离出blaADC。2号株的blaADC序列与GenBank中的gi|7258342|emb|CAB77444.1|相比在第4位、第242忙、第342位、第376位氪基酸发生了改变。结论 儿童临床分离的AB茁60%以上携带blaADC,在所携带的blaADC中随机抽取1株进行了核苷酸序列分析,发现与日前在GenBank中登录的国内外型别均不同,为新亚型。
      Objretive To investigate the genotype of b1aADC which was a kind of AmpC produced by Acinetubacter baumannii (AB),isolated through the detection of 28 similar strains among children.Methods 28 strains of AB were collected and isolated from the Pediatrics clinic during 2006,and were identified through bacteria and susceptibility test using Vitex-32 automicroscan GNI and GNS cards.The genotype of blaADC was confirmed by州ymerase chain reaction (PCR) and them sequenced.Results 3 of the 28 strains of AB showed mufti-drugs resbistance,with a positive rate of 10.71%.blaADC was discovered in 17 of the 28 strains and the positive rate was 60.71%.All the 28 strains of AB were resistant to Cefoxitin.blaADC positive strains were all sensitive to Ampicil/Sulbactam,and only one of them was resistant to Piperacillin/Tazohactan.There were no blaADC genes discovered in the strains that were resistant to Ampicilf Sulbactam or Piperacillin}Tazo6actan_ There were changes of amino acids on the site 4,242,342 and 376 in the sequence of blaADC of No.2 strain,comparing to gi|7258342|emb|CAB77444.1| in GenBank.Conclusion Above 60% of the AB isolated in children were carrying b1aADC while a strain was collected from them at random.When they were undertaken nucleotide sequence analysis,significant difference was found from the others that landed in GenBank,which identified itself as new subtype.
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