Detection of adenovirus-IgM antibody in children hospitalized with lower respiratory tract infection in Beijing Children's Hospital
收稿日期:2007-11-22  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 腺病毒  下呼吸道感染  儿童
英文关键词: Adenovirus  Respiratory tract infection  Children
张晓宁 河北省南皮县人民医院检验科,061500 zhengde_xie@hotmail.com 
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      分枝杆菌属(Mycobacterium)是一类细长或稍弯的杆菌,因有分枝生长的趋势而得名.Lehmann和Neumann在1896年第一次建立了"Mycobacterium"一词.结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)是引发人类结核病的病原菌。
      Objective To explore the characteristics of adenovirus (ADV) infection in children hospitalized with lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) in Beijing Children's Hospital.Methods One thousand and forty-six children hospitalized with pneumonia or bronchitis in Beijing Children's Hospital from October 2004 to December 2005,were enrolled in our study.Serum samples were collected from each patient and detected for ADV-IgM by indirect ELISA,excluding those serum samples which were positive for any of the antibodies as CMV,EBV,HSV,Enterovirus.Results Eighty-seven (11.8%,87/738) were positive for ADV-IgM in 738 cases which were negative on other pathogen.The percentage of LRTI with ADV infection was 8.3%(87/1046) during the period.Thirty-two cases were younger than 1 year of age while 42 cases were between 1-6 and 13 cases were older than 6 years old.The ratio of male to female was 1.4:1.ADV infection occurred throughout the year and relatively frequent in winter and spring.Conclusion ADV was one of the most important viral pathogens on lower respiratory tract infections in children under 5 year olds.Children aged from 6 months to 3-years were susceptible to ADV infection.
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