A comparison of life expectancy between the urban and rural residents in China, 1990-2005
收稿日期:2007-07-05  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 期望寿命  年组内平均余命的相对变化指数  期望寿命的分解法
英文关键词: Life expectancy  Index of relative change in temporary life expectancies  Decomposition of life expectancy
王艳红 中国医学科学院基础医学研究所流行病室 100005 北京  
李立明 北京大学医学部公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系流行病教研室 lmlee@pumc.edu.cn 
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      目的 比较中国不同时期城乡人群期望寿命的差异,探讨不同年龄和死因对其可能产生的影响.方法 利用1990-2005年<全国卫生统计年报>城乡人群的死亡数据,采用寿命表法、年组内平均余命的相对变化指数、期望寿命的年龄分解和死因分解法,进行城乡人群期望寿命的比较.结果 近些年农村人群期望寿命的增量和增速高于城市;儿童组对出生时期望寿命城乡差异的贡献减少,中年组和老年组人群逐步成为导致城乡期望寿命差异的主体;呼吸系统疾病、肿瘤和循环系统疾病、损伤和中毒类是导致城乡期望寿命差异的主要病种,传染病和寄生虫病及消化系统疾病对城乡人群期望寿命差异的影响相对较小;各主要死因中不同年龄人群对城乡人群期望寿命差异的影响不同.结论 中国现阶段从死亡角度上缩小城乡人群的健康差距,重点是关注中老年人健康状况;呼吸系统疾病、肿瘤和循环系统疾病等是导致城乡人群期望寿命差异的主要病种,其中农村中年人群肿瘤和循环系统疾病的死亡尤其需要关注.
      Objective To compare the life expectancies between the urban and rural residents, and to evaluate the influence of ages and diseases on the differences in life expectancy. Methods Life tables, decomposition of life expectancy, the index of relative change in temporary life expectancies were used in our study. Results In recent years the life expectancy of rural population growth and growth rate were higher than those in the urbans. The contribution of children on the urban-rural difference of Life expectancy was reducing, while it was increasing in the middle and older adults. Respiratory diseases, cancer, circulation diseases, as well as injury and poisoning could interpret the most discrepancy of the urban-rural gaps on life expectancy. It is worth noting that different age groups in the major cause of death had different impact on the urban-rural difference of life expectancy. Conclusion In order to narrow the gap of life expectancy, we should take measures to improve the health of the middle-aged and elderly populations, in which respiratory diseases, cancer and circulation diseases should have been the focus of concern.
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