李秀芳,张北川,储全胜,汪宁,王燕飞,于增照.以互联网为最主要性交往途径的男男性行为者 HIV/AIDS相关性行为研究[J].中华流行病学杂志,2008,29(7):685-688
以互联网为最主要性交往途径的男男性行为者 HIV/AIDS相关性行为研究
Associations between partner-seeking activities through internet and sexual risk behaviours related to HIV/AIDS among men who have sex with men in China
收稿日期:2008-02-17  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 男男性行为者  互联网  艾滋病  性行为
英文关键词: Men who have sex with men  Internet  Aquired immunedeficiency syndrom  Sex behaviour
李秀芳 青岛大学医学院附属医院性健康中心, 青岛 266003  
张北川 青岛大学医学院附属医院性健康中心, 青岛 266003 pytx@263.net 
储全胜 青岛市疾病预防控制中心  
汪宁 中国疾病预防控制中心性  
王燕飞 病艾滋病预防控制中心 青岛大学医学院  
于增照 病艾滋病预防控制中心 青岛大学医学院  
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      目的 研究以互联网为最主要性交往途径的男男性行为者(MSM)HIV/AIDS相关性行为。方法 采用定向抽样(“滚雪球”)法,对9城市MSM开展横断面匿名问卷调查,使用SPSS 11.0 软件进行统计分析。结果 对互联网问题应答者2178名。是否以互联网为最主要性交往途径者分 别占45.6%|?54.4%。73.1%的MSM曾登陆过男同性爱者(gay)相关网站,登陆者中83.0%曾通过gay网站寻找性伴,其中91.7%曾与职y网友见面并性交过。互联网组MSM近6个月同性性伴总数 及口交、主动肛交和被动肛交性伴数分别为5.73个、5.13个、4.67个和3.51个,均明显少于非互联网组 的10.3个、8.71个、8.26个和6.06个(P值均<0.01);互联网组MSM近一年曾有同性群交应答百分 比为16.7%,明显低于非互联网组的20.5%(P<0.01)。互联网组MSM曾U交、肛交、近6个月有肛 交及有固定性伴者应答百分比分别为94.7%、95.1 %、83.4%和52.6%,均明显高于非互联网组的 89.6%、86,5%、75,5%和46.7%(P值均<0.01);互联网组MSM近一年参与同性指交、有出血性交 及去异地性交者应答百分比分别为52.2%、36.4%和28.1%,均明显高于非互联网组的38.5%、21.9%和22.7%(P值均<0.01),其中曾有过同性出血性交OR值最高,为2.04(1,68?2.47)。结论 互联网的利用对MSM人群HIV/AIDS相关性行为有双重影响。应充分利用gay网站对MSM进行 健康教育和HIV/AIDS干预。
      Objective To explore the associations between partner-seeking activities through internet and HIV/AIDS related risk behaviours among men who have sex with men (MSM). Methods Target sampling, anonymous questionnaires were adopted and analyzed with SPSS 11.0. Results Data from 45.6 %of the 2178 valid questionnaires showed that most partner-seeking activities was through internet. 73.1 %of them landed ongay website, in which 83.0%looked for sexual partners and 91.7%of them had intercourse with other men met through internet when compared with MSM who did not seek sex activities through internet. The internetgroup obviously had fewer numbers of partners (5.73 vs. 10.3), oral sex partners (5.13 vs. 8.71), passive anus sex partners (4.67 vs. 8.26) and active anus sex partners (3.51 vs 6.06) in the past 6 months (F<0.01 respectively) and obviously had fewergroup sex (16.7%vs. 20.5 %) activities in the past one year but had more activities on oral sex (94.7 %vs 89.6 %),anus sex (95.1 %vs. 86.5%), regular sexual partner (52. 6%vs. 46.7%) in the past 6 months (83.4%vs ? 75.5%) (P< 0.01 respectively) and more likely to have finger intercourse (52.2%vs. 38.5%), hemorrhage sexual intercourse (36.4%vs ? 21,9%, OR = 2.04),non-local sexual intercourse (28.1 %vs. 22.7%)(P<0.01 respectively). Conclusion Seeking sexual partners through internet had positive and double effects on MSM's risk behaviours, suggesting that it is of urgent need to take the advange of internet andgay website to disseminate HIV/AIDS prevention message.
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