Prevalence and risk factors for anxiety among inhabitants in the Relief Centers after the 5·12 Sichuan earthquake
收稿日期:2008-06-20  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 焦虑|影响因素|自然灾害
英文关键词: Anxiety|Risk factors|Natural disasters
王鸣 510080 广州市疾病预防控制中心 
袁俊 510080 广州市疾病预防控制中心 
李铁钢 510080 广州市疾病预防控制中心 
王德东 510080 广州市疾病预防控制中心 
胡志刚 510080 广州市疾病预防控制中心 
刘建平 510080 广州市疾病预防控制中心 
张敏 四川省江油市彰明镇卫生院 
梁永坚 510080 广州市疾病预防控制中心 
吴大维 510080 广州市疾病预防控制中心 
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      目的 了解中国汶川地震1个月后灾民安置点居民的焦虑状况以及影响因素。方法 随机抽取四川省江油市4个乡镇13个安置点居住于帐篷18岁及以上居民402名,使用焦虑自评量表(SAS)和相关因素调查表调查。结果地震灾后约1个月安置点居民的焦虑现患率为22.1%(89/402,95%CI:18.2%~26.6%)。单因素分析发现,女性、40岁以上、家庭人均月收入<600元、初中以下文化、生活不便、慢性病史、帐篷人均居住面积较小、政府提供物资不够以及性行为受影响均可增加焦虑状况。多因素分析发现,女性(OR=2.921)、生活不便(OR=2.475)、慢性病史(OR=3.997)和人均居住面积较小(OR=2.982)为影响因素。结论安置点居民焦虑率高于一般人群。建议今后在设安置点时,除了保障安置点居民水、电、厕所、沐浴、物质供应、居住面积外,还应考虑提供一定的私人空间;针对高危人群及早进行灾后心理干预,减轻焦虑状况。
      Objective To investigate the prevalence and risk factors for anxiety among inhabitants in the relief centers one month after the 5·12 Sichuan earthquake and to formulate intervention strategies.Methods A total of 402 tent inhabitants aged ≥18 years were randomly sdected from 13 relief centers of 4 townships in Jiangyou city.Data were collected by Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and risk factor questionnaires.Results The prevalence of anxiety among inhabitants in the relief centers was 22.1%(95%CI:18.2%-26.6%)(89/402).In single factor analysis,female,aged ≥40 years,family per-capita monthly income of <600 Yuan,education level of less than junior high school,inconvenient living conditions,history of chronic diseases,limited living space in tents,shortage of goods,and sex life being interrupted etc might increase anxiety.In multi-factor analysis,female (OR=2.921),inconvenient living conditions (OR=2.475),history of chronic diseases (OR=3.997),and limited living space in tents (OR=2.982) were the risk factors for anxiety.Conclusion Inhabitants in the relief centers exhibited higher prevalence of anxiety as compared with the general population.Measures to improve the living conditions of the relief centers,inehiding guarantee of water,electricity and material supply,sewage treatment,living space and privacy,and early psychological interventions were recommended for prevention and relief of anxiety.
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