HIV and syphilis infections among men who have sex with men in Chongqing municipality,China
收稿日期:2008-08-07  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 男男性行为者  艾滋病病毒  梅毒  性传播疾病
英文关键词: Men who have sex with men  Human immunodeficiency virus  Syphilis  Sexually transmitted diseases
李春梅 石家庄, 河北医科大学 050019  
萧燕 中国疾病预防控制中心艾滋病性病预防控制中心  
刘建波 石家庄, 河北医科大学 050019  
丁贤彬 重庆市疾病预防控制中心 Email:xianbinding@yahoo.com.cn 
贾玉江 Vanderbilt, University, USA  
摘要点击次数: 4113
全文下载次数: 1445
      examine tile prevalence and predictors of HIV and syphilis infections among men who have sex with men(MSM)in Chongqing municipality.China.Methods Cross-sectional studies were conduced in three districts of Chongqing municipality from July to September,2006 and 2007,respectively.Questionnaire-based interviews were conducted to provide information on demographic characteristics,behaviors on sex and drug use,and HIV and sexually transmitted diseases(STD)related health services.Blood samples were tested for HIV and syphilis infections.Results Of 1773 panicipants.10.6%were HIV-positive and 8.4%were sero-positive for syphilis infection.Factors independently associated with HIV infection included older age(26-35 year:AOR=1.7,95%CI:1.1-2.6;>35 years of age:AOR=2.3,95%CI:1.4-3.8),low level of education(AOR=2.3,95%CI:1.5-3.5),having had multiple male sex partners(AOR=1.8,95%CI:1.2-2.8),venues of recruitment from bathhouses/sauna (AOR=2.3,95%CI:1.1-4.7),with self-reported STD symptoms in the past 12 months(AOR=1.8,95%CI.1.2-2.7)and syphilis infeetion(AOR=1.7,95%CI:1.1-2.9).Conclusion The prevalence rates on both HIV and syphilis infections were considered to be high among MSM in Chongqing city.Unprotected anal sex and multiple sex partners were conqmon in this group.Education,condom promotion.combination of HIV and STD screening,and treatment to the diseases are essential to this population in Chongqing.However,MSM had not hitherto been perceived to be in the epidemic mainstream in this area.
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