Effectiveness of an immunization campaign with group A and C meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine in controlling an outbreak of group C meningococcal disease
收稿日期:2008-06-06  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 流行性脑脊髓膜炎|疫苗|应急接种|保护效果
英文关键词: Meningococcal meningitis|Vaccine|Vaccination campaign|Efficacy
宋建根 兰州大学公共卫生学院营养与食品卫生学研究所 730000 
张格祥 兰州大学公共卫生学院营养与食品卫生学研究所 730000 
刘旭东 兰州大学公共卫生学院营养与食品卫生学研究所 730000 
马恩和 兰州大学公共卫生学院营养与食品卫生学研究所 730000 
马剑华 兰州大学公共卫生学院营养与食品卫生学研究所 730000 
王玉 兰州大学公共卫生学院营养与食品卫生学研究所 730000 
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      Objective To assess the safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of group A and C meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (A/C MPV) in response to an outbreak of group C meningococcal disease. Methods A vaccination campaign with A/C MPV was prompted 6 weeks after the use of group A MPV in Laibin city, Guangxi, where an outbreak of group C meningococcal meningitis occurred in 2002.Vaccinees were observed for local and systemic reactions after the vaccination and followed up for the meningococcal disease for 5 years. Blood samples were collected from 71 people in the epidemic and 43 in the non-epidemic areas before and 1 month after the vaccination and examined by ELISA to detect IgG antibodies to group A and C polysaccharides. Results The vaccination coverage was 97%. No significant adverse reactions were observed. The positive rates of group C antibodies after vaccination was between 97.67% and 100% among the populations in the epidemic and non-epidemic areas, as well as among those negative and positive for group C antibodies prior to the vaccination.The geometric mean anti-C concentrations ranged 30.81 μg/ml to 37.44 μg/ml, showing no significant difference between groups. The incidence rate of meningococcal disease in students with timely immunization (218.58/100 000) dropped by 69.02% , when compared to that in those with delayed immunization (705.72/100 000). No clinical cases were identified during the follow-up period of 15 760 person-years. Conclusion The vaccination campaign with the Chinese group A/C MPV seemed successful in controlling the group C meningococcal outbreak.The vaccine was shown to be safe even administered after the group A vaccine only 6 weeks apart. It could induce high levels of antibodies in vulnerable population and significantly increase antibody levels in seropositive individuals, thus providing a protection of at least 5 years.
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