Survey on thalassemia among people of reproductive age in Guilin city,Guangxi,China
收稿日期:2008-06-12  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 地中海贫血  育龄人群  现况调查
英文关键词: Thalassemia  People ofreproductive age  Cross-sectional study
邓俊耀 桂林市妇女儿童医院生殖中心实验室 541000 
龙安翼 桂林市卫生局医政科 
李慧 桂林市卫生局医政科 
摘要点击次数: 3498
全文下载次数: 1303
      study the present situation of thalassemia among people at reproductive age in Guilin city.Methods A complete red blood eell mean cell volume(RBCMCV)was detected as well as hemoglobin electrophoresis analysis were done for all samples.Suspected αorβ thalassemia cases,wcTe screened out and a and β thalassemia genes were detected by PCR-RDB.Results Among 1580 cases,79 Cases were detected α thalassemia gene positive.with the detection rateas 5.00%.The detection rates on α thalassemia were 5.32%.4.68%in males and females,but no significant difference(X2=3.04,X2<X0.05(1)=3.84,P>0.05).114 cases were detected carrying β thalassemia gene with the detection rate as 7.22%.The detection rates on β thalassemia were 7.85%,6.58%in males and females,with no significant difference(X2=0.95,X2<X0.05(1)=3.84,P>0.05).The overall detection rate of thalassemia was 12.22%(193/1580).α halassemia were found to have had ten genotypes.with-α3.7/αα the most common one and the detection rate was 3.54%.--SEA/αα appeared the majority in the static α thalassemia and --SEA/αα took the majority in the light α thalassemia,while--SEA/-αCS was the major one in the intermedia α thalassemia,with gene conwibutions of 7.59%,70.88%and 2.53%.β halassemia was detected having seven genotypes,with CD41-42(-TTCT)the most commoll one in B thalassemia,and the detection rate was 3.1 6%.11he commonly seen three mutations,CD41-42(-TTCT),CDl7(A→T)and IVS-Ⅱ-654(C→T)were accounted for 87.71%of β thalassemia.The detection rate on thalassemia α and β combination was 0.63%.Conclusion The detection rate of thalassemia among people at productive age in Guilin city was relatively high.
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