Life Satisfaction' as a moderator or mediator of accommodation category and loneliness for rural school students
收稿日期:2008-08-04  出版日期:2014-09-11
中文关键词: 孤独  生活满意度  学生  农村人口
英文关键词: Loneliness  Life satisfaction  Students  Rural population?
黄朝辉 安徽医科大学公共卫生学院, 合肥 230032  
陶芳标 安徽医科大学公共卫生学院, 合肥 230032  
郝加虎 安徽医科大学公共卫生学院, 合肥 230032 jia7128@yahoo.com.ca 
杨玲 安徽医科大学公共卫生学院, 合肥 230032  
程代娟 安徽医科大学公共卫生学院, 合肥 230032  
肖利敏 安徽医科大学公共卫生学院, 合肥 230032  
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      目的 探讨生活满意度在农村地区中小学生不同住宿类型与孤独感中的调节/中介效应, 为农村中小学生心理卫生问题干预提供理论参考. 方法 以农村中小学生为调查对象, 采取现况研究设计, 应用现场匿名问卷调查法收集资料, 内容包括一般健康情况、儿童孤独量表、多维青少年生活满意度问卷. 结果 住校生的孤独感评分(35. 0±9. 5)明显高于住家生(33. 1±10. 1)(P=0. 000), 而住校生的学校满意度(33. 5±6. 3)、朋友满意度(42. 1±6. 2)、自我满意度(32. 4±5. 0)评分明显低于住家生(分别为35. 9±6. 6、42. 9±6. 6、32. 9±5. 3)(P<0. 01、P<0. 01、P<0. 05);住宿类型与孤独感评分的关系完全被学校满意度中介[孤独感的标准回归系数从0. 043(P<0. 05)降低到0. 021(P>0. 05)], 部分被朋友满意度和自我满意度中介. 调节效应分析发现, 朋友满意度、自我满意度、学校满意度对寄宿制学校与孤独感评分关系的调节效应均无统计学意义. 结论 住宿类型和生活满意度对巾小学生孤独感有良好的预测作用, 学校满意度在住宿类型与孤独感中完全中介效应显著, 对中小学生孤独感的干预可从这些方面着手.
      Objective To examine life satisfaction as a moderator or mediator of accommodation category and loneliness for elementary and middle school students in rural areas so as to provide evidence for psychological health intervention among said students. Methods All participants were asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire battery which including an 18-item General Health Questionnaire, Children's Loneliness Scale and Multidimensional Students'Life Satisfaction. Results The average score of loneliness scale(35. 0±9. 5)among boarding-school students was significantly higher than those students living at home(33. 1±10. 1 )(P<0. 01). The average scores on school-satisfaction(33. 5±6. 3), friend-satisfaction(42. 1±6. 2)and self-satisfaction(32. 4±5. 0)of boarding-school students were significantly higher than those students living at home(35. 9±6. 6, 42. 9±6. 6, 32. 9±5. 3 )( P<0. 05 ). The association between accommodation category and loneliness was fully mediated by school-satisfaction(the standardized coefficients of loneliness was reduced from 0. 043(P<0. 05)to 0. 021(P>0. 05)and partly mediated by self-satisfaction and friend-satisfaction. Data through Moderation analyses indicated that self-satisfaction, school-satisfaction and friend-satisfaction did not serve as moderators. Conclusion Accommodation category, life satisfaction seemed to be good predictors on loneliness among elementary and middle school students and the fully mediated effect of school-satisfaction between accommodation category and loneliness was significant, suggesting that intervention of loneliness should focus on these variables.
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