吴茵茵,叶真,何寒青,吴建军,童峰,陈坤.Monte Carlo随机模拟在合作医疗补偿方案设计中的应用[J].中华流行病学杂志,2009,30(3):290-293
Monte Carlo随机模拟在合作医疗补偿方案设计中的应用
Application of Monte Carlo Techniques in designing compensatory scheme of new cooperative medical system
收稿日期:2008-07-18  出版日期:2014-09-11
中文关键词: Monte Carlo  新型农村合作医疗制度  补偿方案  人群仿真
英文关键词: Monte Carlo  New cooperative medical system  Reimbursement  Populationmodeling?
吴茵茵 浙江大学医学院公共卫生学院流行病学与卫生统计学系, 杭州 310058  
叶真 浙江省卫生厅  
何寒青 浙江大学医学院公共卫生学院流行病学与卫生统计学系, 杭州 310058  
吴建军 浙江大学理学院  
童峰 浙江大学医学院公共卫生学院流行病学与卫生统计学系, 杭州 310058  
陈坤 浙江大学医学院公共卫生学院流行病学与卫生统计学系, 杭州 310058 CK@zju.edu.cn 
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      [导读]通过对新型农村合作医疗制度(新农合)补偿方案进行设计与测评, 明确Monte Carlo技术应用于人群仿真的可行性. 在人群抽样调查基础上, 以Monte Carlo随机模拟构建人群仿真系统, 对新农合补偿方案的"保大病"和"保小病"策略进行模拟测评. 在住院报销主导策略下, "保大病"方案的总补偿率为0. 3782, 致贫人数减少率为0. 6540, 资金结余率为-0. 0794;在门诊报销主导策略下, "保小病"方案的总补偿率为0. 4840, 致贫人数减少率为0. 4091, 资金结余率为-0. 3789. 研究结果表明, 新农合的补偿原则应以"保大病"为主, 同时兼顾"保小病".
      [Introduction] To design a workable compensatory scheme of new cooperative medical system(NCMS)in rural China, 'Monte Carlo Simulation Techniques'is developed based on the data of a multistage random sampling survey. The total compensation rate, the decreased percentages of poverty caused by diseases and the deficit ratio of fund a 0. 3782, 0. 6540 and -0. 0794 respectively, when the main strategy of inpatient reimbursement is recognized as 'serious illness'. The deficit ratios of funding appeared to be 0. 4840, 0. 4091 and -0. 3789 when the main strategy of outpatient reimbursement is recognized on minor diseases. Compensation for minor diseases is more important than that of serious diseases. Considering the further impact of minor diseases on peasants, we should incorporate compensation for minor diseases into the compensatory scheme of NCMS.
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