Survey on mental disorders among registered residents and non-registered residents in Shenzhen
收稿日期:2009-02-22  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 精神疾病  患病率  现况调查
英文关键词: Mental disorders  Prevalence  Cross-sectional survey
胡纪泽 518020深圳市康宁医院, 518020  
胡赤怡 518020深圳市康宁医院, 518020  
段卫东 518020深圳市康宁医院, 518020 Duanweidong66@126.com? 
高欢 518020深圳市康宁医院, 518020  
张翔 518020深圳市康宁医院, 518020  
唐卓如 518020深圳市康宁医院, 518020  
陆亚文 518020深圳市康宁医院, 518020  
张繁新 518020深圳市康宁医院, 518020  
金冬 518020深圳市康宁医院, 518020  
杨孔军 518020深圳市康宁医院, 518020  
林雄标 518020深圳市康宁医院, 518020  
杨洪 518020深圳市康宁医院, 518020  
舒明跃 518020深圳市康宁医院, 518020  
张毅宏 518020深圳市康宁医院, 518020  
刘铁榜 518020深圳市康宁医院, 518020  
沈其杰 518020深圳市康宁医院, 518020  
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      目的 了解深圳市户籍及非户籍≥18岁居民各类精神疾病的患病率及分布特点.方法 以世界卫生组织一世界精神健康联盟(WHO-WMH)提供的复合性国际诊断访谈表(CIDI3.1)为访谈工具,采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法对7134名受访人进行面对面调查.结果 (1)深圳市居民各类精神疾病加权终生患病率为21.87%,其中户籍居民为19.99%,非户籍居民为22.34%明显高于户籍居民(OR=1.15,95%CI:1.03~1.29;P<0.05),女性患病率明显高于男性(22.68%vs.19.67%;OR=1.20,95%CI:1.07~1.34;P<0.05);情感障碍、焦虑障碍和精神病性障碍的患病率分别为9.62%、14.45%和1.40%.(2)各类精神疾病加权12个月患病率为13.42%,户籍居民为11.90%,非户籍居民为13.80%明显高于户籍居民(OR=1.19,95%CI:1.03~1.36;P<0.05).(3)精神疾病之间的伴随疾病患病率为35.76%.(4)患病率及病情严重程度与性别、户籍、婚姻状况、文化程度、经济状况和职业等因素有关.结论 精神疾病已经成为深圳市的常见病,非户籍居民及女性的精神健康问题尤应引起关注.
      Objective To study the prevalence and distribution of mental disorders among registered and non-registered residents in Shenzhen. Methods An epidemiological survey on mental disorders were carried out in Shenzhen by stratified multi-stage randomized sampling method; 7134 respondents were assessed through face-to-face interview, using the WHO standardized version on World Mental Health (WMH) Survey Initiative of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI3.1). Results (1)The weighting prevalence of mental disorders was 21.87%. The prevalence of non-registered residents was significantly higher than that of the registered residents (22.34% vs. 19.99% ; OR= 1.15,95%CI: 1.03-1.29; P<0.05) and the prevalence of females was significantly higher than that of males (22.68% vs. 19.67%; OR=1.20,95%CI: 1.07-1.34; P<0.05). The weighting prevalence of mood disorders, anxiety disorders and psychoses were 9.62%, 14.45% and 1.40%, respectively. (2) The weighting twelve-month incidence of mental disorders was 13.42%. The incidence of non-registered residents was significantly higher than that of the registered residents (13.80% vs. 11.90%; OR=1.19, 95%CI: 1.03-1.36; P<0.05). (3)The co-morbidity rate between mental disorders was 35.76%. (4)The prevalence and severity of mental disorders were associated with sex, household situation of registration, marital status, education, economic condition and occupation status. Conclusion Mental disorders have become common diseases and serious public health problem in Shenzhen, with non-registered residents and females deserve more attention.
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