Prevalence and trend of metabolic syndrome in middle-aged Chinese population
收稿日期:2009-02-18  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 代谢综合征  患病率  流行病学
英文关键词: Metabolic syndrome  Prevalence  Epidemiology
王增武 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学阜外心血管病医院卫生部心血管病防治研究中心防治网络部, 北京 100037  
王馨 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学阜外心血管病医院卫生部心血管病防治研究中心防治网络部, 北京 100037  
李贤 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学阜外心血管病医院卫生部心血管病防治研究中心防治网络部, 北京 100037  
陈祚 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学阜外心血管病医院卫生部心血管病防治研究中心防治网络部, 北京 100037  
赵连成 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学阜外心血管病医院卫生部心血管病防治研究中心防治网络部, 北京 100037  
李莹 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学阜外心血管病医院卫生部心血管病防治研究中心防治网络部, 北京 100037  
武阳丰 北京大学医学部公共卫生学院 yangfengwu@263.net 
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      目的 了解中国中年(35~59岁)人群代谢综合征(MS)的患病率及变化.方法 利用国家"十五"期间(2004-2005年)的现况调查资料,并与"九五"期间(1998年)的可比资料进行分析.结果 中年人群MS患病率为12.1%,男性高于女性、北方地区高于南方地区、城市人群高于农村人群(P<0.05).同时有肥胖、高血压、血脂紊乱三个因素者占60.4%."十五"期间MS标化患病率(10.0%)与"九五"期间(7.2%)比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且男性大于女性、北方地区大于南方地区.无论南北方地区、城市农村人群,甘油三酯、体重指数、腰围的平均水平都显著高于"九五"期间.结论 中国中年人群MS患病率呈上升趋势.
      Objective To analyze the current prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) and its trend in the past 5 years in China. Methods In 2004-2005, cross-sectional sampling surveys were conducted in 13 research populations from southern and northern parts, urban and rural areas in China, with internationally standardized criteria and measurement. 1000-2000 participants for each group, even number of man and women, were examined. Out of them, there were 13 732 participants aged 35-59 years. Comparison was made for 10 populations with comparable data in 1998 to observe the trend in the past 5 years. MS was defined according to Chinese Medical Association Diabetes Branch definition set in 2004. Results The prevalence of MS was 12.1%. The adjusted prevalence was higher in men (13.9%) than in women (8.5%), higher in residents from the northern (15.0%) than the southern (6.8%) and from urban (11.3%) than rural (10.1%). Out of the participants with MS, 60.4% were with obesity, high blood pressure or with dyslipidemia. Comparing with data in 1998, the adjusted prevalence rates of MS in 2004--2005 had a significantly increase (10.0% vs. 7.2%, P<0.05), in men than in women, in residents from the northern part than in the south (P<0.05). Regardless the geographic areas as from the north or south, from urban or rural, the mean levels of triglyceride, body mass index and waist circumference were higher in 2004 - 2005 than that in 1998. Conclusion The prevalence of MS was increasing in middle aged Chinese population. Prevention and treatment of obesity, high blood pressure and dyslipidemia were effective ways to control MS.
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