Analysis on factors affecting the severity of post-traumatic stress disorder in transferred casualty after Earthquake
收稿日期:2008-12-22  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 创伤性应激障碍  地震  危险因素  横断面调查
英文关键词: Post-traumatic stress disorder  Earthquake  Risk factor  Cross-sectional survey
高新学 重庆医科大学附属第一医院心理卫生中心, 400016 
况利 重庆医科大学附属第一医院心理卫生中心, 400016 
刘婉婷 重庆医科大学附属第一医院心理卫生中心, 400016 
楼丹丹 重庆医科大学附属第一医院心理卫生中心, 400016 
李大奇 重庆医科大学附属第一医院心理卫生中心, 400016 
艾明 重庆医科大学附属第一医院心理卫生中心, 400016 
陈建梅 重庆医科大学附属第一医院心理卫生中心, 400016 
黎雪梅 重庆医科大学附属第一医院心理卫生中心, 400016 
赵正中 重庆医科大学附属第一医院心理卫生中心, 400016 
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      目的 探讨四川省汶川地震灾后转移伤员创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)症状严重程度的影响因素.方法 采用PTSD症状自评量表,在地震灾后40d对按照多级整群抽样方法抽取转移到重庆市11所医院的386名伤员进行调查,回收有效问卷354份,探讨影响PTSD症状严重程度的相关因素.结果 共获得完整资料354份,其中男性伤员154人(43.6%),女性伤员200人(56.4%),年龄为(43.76±21.22)岁;汉族236人(66.7%),羌族114人(32.2%),其他4人(1.1%);未婚92人(26.1%),已婚253人(71.7%),其他9人(2.2%).女性伤员PTSD的症状要比男性严重,在反复而痛苦的梦及此事件(t =2.46,P =0.014)、强烈的心理痛苦烦恼(t =2.02,P =0.044)、难以集中注意力(t =2.04,P =0.042)、警觉性过高(t =2.465,P =0.014)及总分(0=2.489,P =0.013)等条目上有差异.地震中被掩埋伤员PTSD症状的严重程度大于没有被掩埋者;在避免有关此创伤的思想、感受、或谈话(0=2.661,P =0.008)、避免会促使回忆起此创伤的活动、地点、或人物(t =2.705,P =0.007)、不能回忆此创伤的重要方面(t =2.775,P =0.006)、情感范围有所限制(t =3.017,P =0.003)、对未来没有远大的设想(t =2.979,P =0.003)及总分(t =3.175,P =0.002)等条目上差异有统计学意义.目睹了地震中有人被埋或有人死亡的PTSD症状比没有目睹的严重,均在有脱离他人或觉得他人很陌生的感受,情感范围有所限制,激惹或易发怒等条目上差异有统计学意义(P <0.05或P <0.01).三大核心症状平均记分之间差异有统计学意义(F=3.350,P <0.001).结论 不同暴露条件下转移伤员的PTSD症状的严重程度不同,且症状彼此之间存在相互的关联.
      Objective To investigated the related factors which affecting the severity degrees of post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) in trailsferred casualty after Wenchuan Earthquake.Methods Taking PTSD symptoms self-assessment scale(PCL-C) to involve 386 wounded who sufiered 40 days after the earthquake disaster,from 11 hospitals and were transferred to Chongqing city.Multi-stage cluster sampling method was used.354 valid questionnaires were recovered to explore the relevant factors affecting the severity on the symptoms of PTSD.Results This survey contains 354 subjects,with male 154(43.6%),female 200(56.4%),age 43.76±21.22,nation alities:Han people 236(66.7%),Qiang people 114(32.2%),others4(1.1%),and marriage status as unmarried 92(26.1%),married 253(71.7%),others 9(2.2%).The wounded women PTSD have more seriotis symptoms than men,and there were differences between them in repeated and disturbing dreams of this stressful experience(t=2.46,P=0.014),a strong sense of psychological suffering annoyance (t=2.02,P=0.044),having difficulty concentrating(t=2.04,P=0.042),being"super-alert"(t=2.465,P=0.014) etc,also in the total scores(t=2.489.P=0.013)(P<0.05).The PTSD symptoms of wounded degree in who had been buried in Earthquake were more serious than those not been buried.There were significant difierences between them in the iterns as:avoid thinking about or talking about a stressful experience(t=2.661,P=0.008),avoid activities or situations that could fecall the stressful experience(t=2.705,P=0.007),trouble remembering important parts of a stressful experience (t=2.775,P=0.006),feeling emotionally numb or being unable to have loving feelings for those close to you(t=3.017,P=0.003),feeling as if your future will somehow be cut short(t=2.979,P=0.003) and total scores(t=3.175,P=0.002).The wounded that witnessed someone be buried or died in earthquake,in PTSD symptoms,were more serious than those without.In the items of feeling distant or cut off from other people,feeling emotionally numb or being unable to have loving feelings for those close to you,feeling irritable or having angry outbursts, there were significant difference(P<0.05-0.01).There were significant difrerences among the average score of the three core symptoms(F=3.350,P<0.001),among the three core symptoms as well as between the three core symptoms and total score respectively.Conclusion There were differences in the severity degrees of PTST in transferred casualty under difrerent exposed conditions.Correlations were also found between each of the symptoms.
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