Study on the relationship between childhood non.intentionaI injury and socio-economic status in Jiangxi province
收稿日期:2009-06-24  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 非故意伤害  社会经济地位  发病率
英文关键词: Non-intentional injury  Socio-economic status  Morbidity
荆瑞巍 210009 南京, 东南大学公共卫乍学院  
曾光 中国疾病预防控制中心 zeng4605@vip.sina.com 
李艾 江西省疾病预防控制中心  
朱丽萍 江西省疾病预防控制中心  
余平 江西省疾病预防控制中心  
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      目的探索江西省儿童非故意伤害和社会经济地位之间的关系。方法利用PPS抽样在江西省的住户中抽取约10万户进行入户调查,对住户中的所有儿童进行伤害问卷调查,调查内容包括非故意伤害发生情况,根据世界银行推荐的方法进行有关社会经济地位的调查。结果共调查儿童98 335名,发生非故意伤害5429例,死亡52例;发生率为5.52%,死亡率为52.88/10万。儿童家庭社会经济地位高的其伤害死亡率低于其他各组,但是组间差异无统计学意义。儿童轻微伤害的发生率和社会经济地位之间兄相关性,而男童的严重伤害发生率随着社会经济地位的上升而降低。跌倒、交通伤害的轻度伤害发生率是随着社会经济地位的提高而上升;而动物致伤的轻度伤害发生率随着社会经济地位的提高而下降。结论在江西省儿童非故意伤害发生率受卫生服务利用的影响;不同伤害类型受社会经济地位的影响也不同。
      Objective To understand the relationship between childhood non-intentional injury and socio—economic status(SES)in Jiangxi province.Methods Nearly l 00 000 households were selected by PPS sampling method.in Jiangxi province.All children aged 0一l 7 years in selected households were surveyed using all‘iniury questionnaire’.SES was calculated under the W6rld Bank method.Results 98 335 children were surveyed and the identified number of non—intentional injury cases was 5429 and witll 52 fatal cases.The morbidity was 5.52%and mortality Was 52.88/100 000.The mortality of children with higher SES was lower than that of other groups but without statistical significance.The morbidity of moderate injury increased with the increasing SES.also without statistical significance.However,the morbiditv of severe injury in male children decreased with the increasing SES.Rates of moderate injury morbidities of fall and road tramc injury also increased with the increasing SES.Moderate injury morbidity caused by animals decreased with the increasing SES. Severe injury morbidity of fall decreased with the increasing SES.Conclusion The morbidity of injury in children was affected by the SES and the relationship between injury and SES varied along with the results of different types of injuries.
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