高建梅,邹云莲,唐慧,徐艳,董虹,严新民.云南省基诺族、傣族、馒尼族人群CⅡTA G一944C多态性与HBV感染的相关性研究[J].中华流行病学杂志,2010,31(2):146-150
云南省基诺族、傣族、馒尼族人群CⅡTA G一944C多态性与HBV感染的相关性研究
Study on the relationship between HBV infection and polymorphism of C II TA G一944C gene among Jinuo。Dai and Aini minority populations in Yunnan province
收稿日期:2009-08-21  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 肝炎病毒,乙型  CⅡ类反式激活因子  基因多态性  少数民族
英文关键词: Hepatitis B virus  Class U transactivator  Gene polymorphism  Minority populations
高建梅 昆明云南省第一人民医院临床基础医学研究所, 650032  
邹云莲 昆明云南省第一人民医院临床基础医学研究所, 650032  
唐慧 昆明云南省第一人民医院临床基础医学研究所, 650032  
徐艳 昆明云南省第一人民医院临床基础医学研究所, 650032  
董虹 昆明云南省第一人民医院临床基础医学研究所, 650032  
严新民 昆明云南省第一人民医院临床基础医学研究所, 650032 yxmin08@163.com 
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      目的分析云南省西双版纳地区基诺族、傣族和馒尼族人群C II TAG一944C多态性的分布,并探讨其多态性与HBV感染的相关性。方法运用PCR测序的方法埘三民族人群C IITAG一944C位点进行基因分型,并分析其基凶多态性与I-IBV感染的相关性。结果(1)馒尼族人群HBV感染率及HBsAg携带率显著高于基诺族和傣族,差异有统计学意义(傻尼族"135.基诺族x2值分别为135.196和10.361,P值分别为0.000和o.001;馒尼族伽.傣族z2值分别为96.783和8.748,P值分别为0.000和0.003)。(2)傻尼族人群cⅡTAG一944C位点基因型与等位基因分布频率与其他两民族显著不同,CC基因型与C等位基因频率升高,而GG基因型与G等位基因频率则降低,差异有统计学意义(傻尼族VS.基诺族z2值分别为11.841和12.208,P值分别为0.003和0.000;馒尼族ff$.傣族f值分别为23.902和20.220,P值均为o.ooo)。(3)CIITAG一944C基因型和等位基因分布频率在基诺族人群HBV感染组与对照组中差异有统计学意义(f值分别为6.150和4.911,P值为0.046和0.027);而HBsAg+组与HBsAg一组相比,在馒尼族人群和三民族总体人群中分布均有差异(馒尼族r值分别为8.650和5.034,尸值分别为o.013和o.025;总体人群#值分别为13.047和9.416,P值分别为0.00l和0.002);HBsAg+组CC基因型和c等位基因分布频率显著升高。(4)以非条件logistic回归模型校正混杂因素后,在C隐性模式下(CC/GG+GC),HBsAg+组与HBsAg一组差异有统计学意义(P--0.000;OR=2.964;95%C/:1.609~5.460)。结论C II TAG一944C基因型和等位基因频率具有民族差异,并且其多态性与HBsAg携带密切相关,基因型为CC纯合子的HBV感染患者更易发展成为HBsAg携带者。
      0bjective To explore the relationship between HBV infection and the genotypes and allele frequencies of C 11 1’A G一944C gene polymorphism in three minority populations(Jinuo.Dai and Aini population)in Xishuangl:lanna district,Yunnan province.Methods Polymerase chain reaction and sequencing method were used to study the genotypes and allele frequencies distributions of CⅡTA G一944C gene polymorphism in those three populations.Relationship between the genotypes distribution and HBV infeetion results were also analyzed. Results The rates on HBV infection and HBsAg carrier status in Aini minority population were 89.2%and l 6.3%.which were significantly higher than in Jinuo(27.9%and 3.9%,X2=135.196 and 10.361。P=0.000 and 0.001)and Dai population(44.9%and 6.6%。f=96.783 and 8.748,P-----0.000 and 0.003)while among Aini population it WaS significantly different with the other two minority populations.The CC genotype and C allele frequencies were more distributed in Aini population than in the other twominoritypopulati011S.In contrast,the GG genotyl∞and G allele frequencies were lowgr than the other two mmority populations,with f rates between Aini and Jinuo population were 11.841 and 12.208 and the Pas 0.003 and 0.000 respectively while the f rates between Aini and Dai populatiOil were 23.902 and 20.220 with P value as 0.000 and 0.000.11le genotypes frequencies of C II TA G一944C was significantly different in the infected individuals(IF)group and health control(HC)group in Jinuo population()c2=6.150 and 4.91l,P=0.046 and 0.027).When compared with HBsAg’group and HBsAg-group,the genotypes and allele frequencies were different in Aini population and the total three minority populations(Y2 rates in Jinuo minority were 8.650 and 5.034 wim P values as 0.013 and 0.025).However,the Y2 rates in the whole population were 13.047 and 9.416 with Pvalues as O.001 and 0.002.respectively.The distribution of CC genotype and C allele gene in HBsAg+group was increasing.Data from non-condition logistic regression analysis and adjusting for confounding factors。the HBsAg+group had a significantly increase of HBsAg-group under the C aUele Recessive Model(|P=0.000;OR=2.964;95%(7/:1.6095.460).Conclusion The genotypes and allele frequencies distilbution of C 1I TA G一944C were different in the three ethnic populations.Polymorphism of this gene was closely associated with HBsAg carder.The CC genotype patients weremore easily to become HBsAgcarrier.
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