Association between polymorphisms of interleukin一10,interferon一^r gene and the susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis
收稿日期:2009-08-14  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 肺结核病  白细胞介素一10  干扰素-γ  基冈多态性
英文关键词: Pulmonary tuberculosis  Interleukin-10  Interferon-γ,  Gene polymorphism
杨慧 深圳市慢性病防治中心, 518020 yh2009en@yahoo.com.cn 
梁肇海 深圳市福田区疾病预防控制中心  
刘小立 深圳市慢性病防治中心, 518020  
王峰 深圳市慢性病防治中心, 518020  
摘要点击次数: 2767
全文下载次数: 1117
      0bjective To investigate the association of IL-10,IFN-γ gene polymorphisms at position-1082G/A andA/T were and susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis(PTB)through a case-control study.Methods Polymerase chain reaction with sequence specific primer(PCR.SSP)/sequencing method,single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNP)of IL一10 and IFN-γgene atposition一1082 and+874 were used on pulmonary tuberculosis patients(group PTB)and normal healthy subjects(group NHS)in the Han population from Shenzhen eity of China.Results The genotype frequencies of A/A homozygotes.A/G heterozygous and G/G homozygous at-1082 site of IL一10 gene in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis were 85.4%.13.1%.1.5%respectively and A,G allele frequencies were 91.9%.8.1%respectively.In healthy subjects,the genotype frequencies ofA/A homozygotes,A/G heterozygous and G/G homozygous were 77.5%,22.0%,O.5%respectively and A。G allele frequencies were 88.5%,11.5%respectively.Genotype distribution between the two groups was significantly different(P0.05).For IFN-γ(+874)and no significant difference Was found on the distribution ofgenotypes or alleles between the two groups.Conclusion The IL-10(一1082) gene SNP might be associated with the susceptibility to tuberculosis.AYA genotype might be a risk factor for the susceptibility on tuberculosis while the SNP ofeytokines(+874)might not be associated with the susceptibility to tuberculosis in Chinese Han populations.
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