Study on severity。status of awareness and therapy regarding urinary incontinence in elderly people from rural areas in Jixian county。Tianjin
收稿日期:2009-03-05  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 尿失禁  老年人  患病率  疾病严重程度指数
英文关键词: Urinary incontinence  Aged  Prevalence  Severity ofillness index
覃朝晖 徐州医学院公共卫生学院, 221002  
石婧 卫生部北京医院老年医学研究所  
刘雪荣 天津市蓟县疾病预防控制中心  
夏丛旺 蓟县卫生局  
刘东富 蓟县卫生局  
乌正赉 中国协和医科大学流行病学教研室  
于普林 卫生部北京医院老年医学研究所 pulin_yu@163.com 
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      目的探索农村老年人尿失禁的患病情况及严重程度,了解老年人对尿失禁的认识及就诊情况。方法采用整群抽样的方法抽取天津市蓟县2个乡(镇)卫生院≥60岁老年人743名,按统一设计的调杏问卷,以面对面询问方式人户调查。结果调查点农村老年人尿失禁患病率为33.38%,女性患病率高于男性(43.15%体.22.75%,f=34.70,P<0.0001);60~、65~、70一75~、80一、85-95岁年龄组患病率分别为28.64%、32.12%、34.08%、35.45%、47.76%、30.00%,随年龄增长尿失禁患病率呈升高趋势(f=2.19,P=O.029)。除混合性尿失禁(MUI)以中度为主外,压力性尿失禁(SUI)和急迫性尿失禁(uuI)均以轻度为主,男性和女性不同程度SUI、UUI、MUI构成比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。一半以上的老年人从没听说过尿失禁(50.20%,373/743),只有22.88%(170/743)的老年人认为尿失禁是一种疾病,84.79%(630/743)的老年人对尿失禁是否可 以治愈存在错误认识,89.50%(665/743)的老年人对尿失禁是否可以预防存在错误认识。248名尿失禁者中,到过社区卫生服务中心或医院就诊的只有12人(4.84%),治疗方法均为药物治疗。结论天津市蓟县农村老年人尿失禁患病率较高,但以轻度为主,大部分老年人对尿失禁缺乏认识及足够的重视,且就诊处理时间滞后、诊治不规范。
      Objective To understand the prevalence of urinary incontinenee(IJI)and its severity in nlral elderly people.as well as to investigate the awareness on UI in the elderly and health··care service seeking behavior.Methods A cross--sectional study was carried out in two townships of Jixian county.Tianjin.A total of 743 people aged 60 years and over were selected under cluster sampling method.An the information was collected with a standardized structured questionnaire by face.to.face interview.Prevalence。severity。the awareness on Ulin the elderly and their utilization of health.care service for its diagnosis and treatment were analyzed.ResultsPreyalenee of U1 was 33.38%among people aged 60 years and over in two townships of Jixian,higher in females than in males(43.15%vs.22.75%,χ2=34.70,P<0.0001).The prevalence rotes of UI in 60-age group,65一age group,70-age group,75一age group,80一age group,85-95 age group were 28.“%,32.12%,34.08%,35.45%,47.76%,30.OO%,respectively,and increased with age (for trendχ2=2.19,P=0.029).Stress urinary incontinence(SUI)and urge urinary incontinence (UUI)were mild,while mixed urinary incontinence(MUl)were mainly moderate.The differences ofseverity of SUl,UUI,MUI between men and women did not show statistical significance(all P>0.05).In 743 elderly people,more than half of the respondents had never heard of UI(50.20%,373/7431 and only 170(22.88%)elderly people considered UI as a disease.630(84.79%)and 665 (89.50%)elderly people in our research group did not know that such condition was curable and preventable.In 248 elderly people with UI,only 12(4.84%)of them ever seeking community health.care services in the health-care centers or hospitals.For the ones who did visit the centers,the purpose was only to seek for drug treatment.Conclusion Prevalence of U1 appeared to be higllamong the elderly people in rural areas of Jixian county.Most of the elderly people were lack of knowledge about UI that hindered them from seeking for diagnosis and treatment in the clinics,plus the treatment program for U1 was not standardized.Knowledge on UI and health care seeking behavior should be popularized and strengthened among elderly people living in the rural areas.
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