Association between IFN-γ+874 polymorphisms and the clinical outcomes of hepatitis B and/or hepatitis C virus infection
收稿日期:2009-09-02  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 病毒性肝炎  干扰素-γ  单核苷酸多态性
英文关键词: Viral hepatitis  Interferon-gamma  Single nucleotide polymorphism
高秋菊 石家庄, 白求恩军医学院预防医学教研室, 050081  
刘殿武 河北医科大学公共卫生学院 liudw56@tom.com 
张世勇 石家庄市疾病预防控制中心  
贾敏 河北省人民医院  
吴丽红 石家庄, 白求恩军医学院预防医学教研室, 050081  
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      目的 研究HBV和/或HCV感染及其不同临床转归者干扰素-γ(IFN-γ)+874基因多态性(SNP),探讨其免疫遗传机制.方法 对河北省赵县某农村HBV和/或HCV感染者及对照共277人采集空腹静脉血,用ELISA检测抗-HBV、抗-HCV生物标志物,筛选出HBV重叠HCV感染79例、单纯HBV感染69例、HCV感染55例和对照74例.用RT-nPCR检测HCV RNA,Beckman LX-20全自动生化仪检测肝功能丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT),用PCR-SSP检测IFN-γ+874 T/A SNP,分析IFN-γ+874 T/A SNP与HBV和/或HCV感染、不同临床转归、ALT和HCVRNA表达的关系.结果 (1)不同感染类型即单纯HBV、HCV感染和重叠感染者+874 AA频率明显高于对照,+874 TA频率明显低于对照(X~2=16.15,P=0.01),OR值及95%CI分别是3.22(1.43~7.25)、2.70(1.24~5.92)、4.02(1.88~8.55),各感染类型间差异无统计学意义(X~2=1.97,P=0.73);+874 T/A等位基因频率在各组间差异无统计学意义(X~2=4.87,P=0.18);(2)不同临床转归即轻型、中重型肝炎和肝硬化组+874 AA频率明显高于对照组、+874 TA 频率明显低于对照组(X~2=14.17,P=0.03),OR值(95%CI)分别是3.09(1.51~6.33)、3.85(1.70~8.70)、3.14(1.08~9.17).+874 T/A等位基因频率与不同临床转归无统计关联(X~2=6.07,P=0.11);(3)IFN-γ+874SNP与HCV病毒复制无统计学关联(X~2=2.36,P=0.31),与ALT水平无统计学关联(X~2=0.15,P=0.93).结论 IFN-γ+874 T/A SNP与HBV和/或HCV感染者慢性化及不同临床转归有一定关联,IFN-γ+874 AA能增加HBV和/或HCV感染及其临床转归的危险,+874 TA则减低其感染和临床转归风险.
      Objective To explore the association between polymorphisms of interferon-gamma gene intron 1 at position+874 (IFN-γ+874) gene and the susceptibility of HBV and/or HCV infection with different clinical outcomes. Methods IFN-γ+874 gene SNP were detected in 277 subjects including 79 chronic HBV/HCV coinfections,69 individuals only with HBV infection,55 individuals only with HCV infection and 74 controls,by sequence specific primers-PCR (SSP-PCR). Hepatocellular injury as suggested by alanine aminotransferase (ALT) was detected by Beckman LX-20. The status of viral particles in serum was determined by RT-nPCR. The possible association of the polymorphism of IFN-γ+874 with the susceptibility of HBV and/or HCV infection and the outcome of these infections were analyzed. Results (1) IFN-γ+874 AA frequency in individuals with chronic HBV,HCV,HBV/HCV coinfections were significant higher than that in controls (X~2=16.15,P=0.01);OR (95% CI) of IFNγ+874 AA in chronic infection with HBV,HCV,HBV/HCV coinfections appeared to be 2.70 (1.24-5.92),3.22 (1.43-7.25) and 4.02 (1.88-8.55) compared with + 874 TA. No significant differences were found among HBV,HCV,HBV/HCV coinfections (X~2=1.97,P=0.73). There were no significant association of IFN-γ +874 A/T allele frequency with HBV and/or with HCV infection (X~2=4.87,P=0.18). (2)The clinical outcomes of mild chronic hepatitis (CH),moderate/severe CH and cirrhosis with HBV and/or HCV infection were associated with IFN-γ+874 AA [X~2=14.17,P=0.03;OR=3.09(1.51-6.33),3.85 (1.70-8.70),3.14 (1.08-9.17)]. No significant relationships were found between IFN-γ+874 A/T allele frequency and the clinical outcome of HBV/HCV infection (X~2=6.07,P=0.11). (3)There were no significant associations of IFN-γ+874 genotype/allele frequency with HCV duplication (X~2=2.36,P=0.31). (4) There were no significant associations of IFN-γ+874 genotype/allele frequency with abnormal ALT (X~2=0.15,P=0.93). Conclusion These results suggested that polymorphisms in the IFN-γ +874 had some influence on chronic HCV and/or HBV infection,and on the outcome of HCV and/or HBV infections. IFN-γ+874 AA genotype and T allele were possible risk to chronic HBV and/or HCV infections and to the outcomes of HBV and/or HCV infection. However,IFN-γ+874 TA genotype might serve as possible protective factors to them.
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