Prevalence and associated factors of school physical violence behaviors among middle school students in Beijing
收稿日期:2009-11-17  出版日期:2014-09-24
中文关键词: 校园躯体暴力  中学生  影响因素
英文关键词: Physical violence  Middle school student  Associated factors
乔毅娟 北京大学公共卫生学院儿童青少年卫生研究所 100191  
星一 北京大学公共卫生学院儿童青少年卫生研究所 100191 cyrss@126.Com 
段佳丽 北京市疾病预防控制中心  
白承续 崇文区疾病预防控制中心  
潘勇平 东城区中小学保健所  
崔永强 昌平区疾病预防控制中心  
孔俊花 北京大学公共卫生学院儿童青少年卫生研究所 100191  
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      目的 了解北京市不同性别中学生校园躯体暴力行为的流行状况及其影响因素。方法 采用多阶段整群随机抽样方法抽取北京市初一到高三学生5718名,匿名填写问卷,有效问卷5660份。采用logistic回归方法进行影响因素分析。结果 北京市中学生校园躯体暴力的报告率为14.3%,男生高于女生(男生25.2%、女生5.1%)。无论男女生,学校亲密度差是校园躯体暴力发生的危险因素(男生OR=1.060、女生OR=1.065);父亲初中及以下文化程度(OR=1.653)、重组/单亲家庭(OR=1.834)、低年级(初一OR=5.291、高二OR=1.526)、学习成绩较差(OR=1.470)是男生躯体暴力发生的危险因素。家庭经济状况较好(OR=O.546)、同伴关系较好(OR=O.618)、与父亲沟通容易(OR=O.756)是男生躯体暴力发生的保护因素。与母亲沟通容易(OR=O.358)是女生躯体暴力发生的保护因素。结论 校园躯体暴力的流行状况及影响因素与性别有关,应充分考虑性别差异,从个人、家庭、学校等多方面采取干预措施,预防校园躯体暴力行为的发生。
      Objective To described the prevalence of school physical violence behaviors and to explore its associated factors among middle school students in Beijing.Methods In 2009,a randomly selected cross-sectional survey was conducted among 5718 students in gales 7 to 12 in Beijing.A self-report anonymous questionnaire involving physical violence at school and socio-demographic variables,such as sex,grades,family economic status and family structure,peer relationships,and communication with their parents etc.were completed by students themselves.Logistic regression was used to estimate the association between physical violence and socio-demographic variables.Results Among the students,14.3% reported that they had had physical violence behavior in school during the past 12 months.Male students had been more likely to have physical violence behaviors than female students (Male 25.2%,Female 5.1 %).For both male and female students,poor school cohesion were the risk factors of physical violence behaviors(Male OR=1.060,Female OR=1.065).For male students,factors as father's lower education level (OR=1.653),remarried/single-parent families (OR=1.834),low-grade (grade 7 OR=5.291;Bade 11 OR=1.526),poor school performance (OR=1.470) etc were the risk factors of physical violence behaviors;while better-off family economic status (OR=0.546),good peer relationships (OR=0.618),and easy to communicate with the father (OR=0.756) were the protective factors of physical violence behaviors.For female students,easy to communicate with her mother (OR=0.358) were the protective factors of physical violence behaviors.Conclusion For male and female students,the prevalence of school physical violence and its related factors were different.Actions on prevention against physical violence behaviors should be fully considered,including factors as gender,personal characteristics,family,school and peers etc.
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