Association between socioeconomic status and physical activities in Chinese children
收稿日期:2009-12-24  出版日期:2014-09-24
中文关键词: 儿童  身体活动  家庭社会经济地位
英文关键词: Children  Physical activity  Socioeconomic status
吴双胜 北京大学公共卫生学院/儿童青少年卫生研究所 100191  
王海俊 妇女与儿童青少年卫生学系  
李百惠 北京大学公共卫生学院/儿童青少年卫生研究所 100191  
李珊珊 北京大学公共卫生学院/儿童青少年卫生研究所 100191  
马军 北京大学公共卫生学院/儿童青少年卫生研究所 100191 majunt@bjmu.edu.Cn 
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      目的 分析在校小学生身体活动模式,以及社会经济地位(SES)与身体活动的关系。方法选择北京市海淀区8所小学2—5年级学生共1502人,使用“7天回顾性身体活动问卷”,了解儿童日常身体活动状况。结果 广播体操/伸展运动、跑步、游戏、走队列等活动是小学生常见的校内活动,比例分别为94.13%、85.55%、77.26%、71.32%;劳动、游戏、跑步、散步等活动是常见的校外活动,比例分别为72.14%、69.70%、65.05%、64.64%;而小学生中参加球类运动的较少。与SES低的学生相比,SES高的学生在校内参加舞蹈、上下楼梯的比例较高,踢毽子、跳绳的比例较低,而在校外参加滑雪/滑冰/轮滑、上下楼梯、游泳的比例较高,散步、跳绳、踢毽子、跳皮筋的比例较低(P<0.05)。结论 中国小学生身体活动既存在数量性不足,也存在结构性不足(即趣味性强的运动普及程度低)。除年龄、性别外,家庭SES也是影响小学生参加身体活动的重要因素。
      Objective To study the daily physical activity patterns of pupils in Beijing,and to identify the association between the socioeconomic status (SES) and physical activities.Methods 1502 pupils were recruited from 2-5 grades of eight primary schools in Beijing.Information on physical activity,sedentary activity,and transportation styles inside and outside schools were collected using a "7-day physical activity questionnaire".Results Gymnastics,naming,playing games,walking in queues etc.were the most common activities at school,with the proportion as 94.13%,85.55%,77.26%,and 71.32% respectively.Physical labor,playing games,running and walking were the common activities outside schools,with the proportion as 72.14%,69.70%,65.05%,and 64.64% respectively.However,pupils seldom participated in the ball games.Significant differences between SES groups were observed on the patterns of both physical and sedentary activities.Compared to low-SES pupils,high-SES pupils more frequently participated in dancing,walking upstairs or downstairs,swimming,skating,but less frequently (P<0.05) in walking,rope skipping,kicking shuttlecock or rubber band skipping.Conclusion Data from our study showed that both the quantity and the distribution of different activities did not meet the need of the Chinese children.Physical activity in association with SES was also demonstrated.
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