The feasibility of outpatient data used for respiratory syndromic surveillance in general hospital
收稿日期:2009-10-09  出版日期:2014-09-24
中文关键词: 呼吸道传染病  门诊信息  症候群监测  预警
英文关键词: Respiratory infectious disease  Outpatient data  Syndromic surveillance  Early warning
祖荣强 江苏省疾病预防控制中心急性传染病防制所, 南京 210009  
蔡衍珊 广州市疾病预防控制中心  
秦鹏哲 广州市疾病预防控制中心  
宋铁 广东省疾病预防控制中心  
冯子健 中国疾病预防控制中心 zijianf@hotmail.Com 
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      目的 了解综合医院门诊呼吸道症候群信息的来源与构成,描述不同呼吸道症候群的分布特征与相互关系;探讨呼吸道症候群数据应用于呼吸道疾病暴发、流行预警监测的可行性。方法回顾性调查广州市某综合医院的信息系统(HIS)资料,对门诊病例信息进行症候群分类;比较不同呼吸道症候群数据的时间分布,选择与流感样病例(ILI)有相似趋势的数据,通过交叉相关分析探讨其应用于呼吸道疾病预警监测的意义。结果 门诊主要呼吸道症候群包括上呼吸道感染(51.20%)、气管/支气管感染(18.80%)、哮喘(17.52%)等,肺部感染仅占2.26%。上呼吸道感染、气管/支气管炎、肺部感染、咳嗽、哮喘等症候群以及门诊x线检查例数、肺炎/急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)表现病例数的时间分布趋势类似,均存在两个季节高峰。对l~28周数据进行时间交叉相关分析,显示肺部感染与前移4周的ILl相关性最佳(r=0.739,P<O.01),上呼吸道感染与前移5周的ILl相关性最佳(r=0.714,P<0.01);X线检查例数及肺炎/ARDS表现病例数均与前移1周的ILI相关性最佳(r=0.858,P<0.001;r=0.821,P<0.001)。结论 HIS中的门诊病例信息可应用于流感等呼吸道传染病的症候群预警监测。门诊肺部感染数据具有良好的特异性与及时性,可作为首选预警症候群资料;上呼吸道感染、咳嗽数据的意义次之;X线检查及肺炎/ARDS表现病例数据的监测及时性稍差,但特异性较好,可辅助预警监测。
      Objective To find out the data sources of respiratory syndromes and their components from the outpatients of general hospitals and to describe the time distribution and mutual relations of different respiratory syndromes.Feasibility of respiratory syndromes used for early warning surveillance on respiratory infectious disease was also under research.Methods Retrospective investigation on Hospital Information System (HIS) was implemented in a general hospital in Guangzhou,2005,and data of outpatients was collected and classified into different syndromes.The respiratory syndromes with its time distribution similar to influenza like illness (ILI),were selected,and cross-correlation analyses were conducted to investigate the feasibility of respiratory syndromes for early warning surveillance on respiratory infection diseases (influenza as an example).Results Primary sub-classification of respiratory syndromes in outpatient department would include upper respiratory infection (URI) (51.20%),trachitis}bronchitis (18.80%),asthma (17.52%),etc.Pulmonary infection accounted for only 2.26%.Time distributions of URI,trachitis/bronchitis,pulmonary infection,cough and asthma in outpatient department,X-ray tests and pneumonialacute respiratory distress syndromes(ARDSs) in outpatient X-ray room were similar,with two peaks observed.Cross-correlation functions were calculated with the data sets of 1st-28th week.The most significant correlation was detected between the time series of outpatient pulmonary infections and ILIs moved 4 weeks backward (r=0.739,P<0.01),and that was detected between URIs and ILIs moved 5 weeks backward (r=0.714,P<0.01).Correlation between X-ray tests,pneumonialARDSs in outpatient X-ray room and ILIs was the strongest when ILIs time series moved 1 week backward (r=0.858,P<0.001;r=0.821,P<0.001).Conclusion Outpatient data from HIS system in general hospital could be applied to syndromic surveillance on respiratory diseases.For early warning epidemics or outbreaks of influenza or other respiratory infectious diseases,data of outpatient pulmonary infection appeared to be the most feasible for its specificity and timeliness,followed by URI and cough.X-ray tests and pneumonia IARDSs in outpatient X-ray findings were important supplementary to verify the respiratory disease epidemics or outbreaks for its good specificity,but with no advantage for early warning.
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