A comprehensive prevention programs on AIDS, HBV and syphilis among pregnant women and couples experienced premarital medical examination
收稿日期:2010-03-15  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 艾滋病  乙型病毒性肝炎  梅毒  综合防治
英文关键词: Acquired immunedeficiency syndrom  Hepatitis B virus  Syphilis  Comprehensive prevention
桂希恩 武汉大学中南医院, 430071 ZNAcT@126.com 
张元珍 武汉大学中南医院, 430071  
杨蓉蓉 武汉大学中南医院, 430071  
热孜艳·斯拉夫 新疆伊宁市妇幼保健院  
黎逢良 湖北省通城县妇幼保健院  
覃爱华 湖北省巴东县妇幼保健院  
李莉 新疆伊宁市妇幼保健院  
吴丽珍 湖北省通城县妇幼保健院  
宗黎黎 湖北省巴东县妇幼保健院  
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      目的 比较分析孕产妇及婚前医学检查人群艾滋病单项防治成本与艾滋病、乙型肝炎(乙肝)及梅毒综合防治的投入成本费用.方法 对湖北和新疆3县市部分孕产妇和婚前医学检查(婚检)人群进行HIV、HBV及梅毒螺旋体(TP)检测,并采取阻断母婴传播的措施及相关医学建议;对检测结果及投入成本做比较分析.结果 3县市孕产妇检测HIV抗体13 280人,阳性111例,阳性率为8.4‰;检测HBsAg 13 186人,阳性711例,阳性率54‰;检测TP抗体12 401人,阳性159例,阳性率12.8‰.3种疾病检出率73.8‰.婚检人群检测HIv抗体26 324人,阳性464例,阳性率17.6‰;检测HBsAg19 152人,阳性1826例,阳性率95.3‰;检测TP抗体19 099人,阳性355例,阳性率18.6‰;3种疾病检出率131.5‰,显著高于HIV检出率.但孕产妇综合防治费仅为HIV防治费的1.4倍,婚检综合防治费仅为HIV防治费的1.8倍.结论 对孕产妇及婚检人群进行HIV、HBV及TP的综合防治,易被接受,可提高防治效率.
      Objective To evaluate the effect of comprehensive prevention programs on HIV,HBV and syphilis transmission from mother to child and between premarital couples. Methods HIV, HBV and syphilis were screened among pregnant women with interventional measure for infected women; HIV, HBV and syphilis (TP) were screened among premarital couples with medical advice. Results The HIV,HBsAg and TP positive rates were 8.4‰(111/13 280) ,54‰(711/13 186)and 12.8‰( 159/12 401 ) respectively among pregnant women and the total positive rate of the three diseases was 73.8‰ which was significantly higher than HIV positive rate (P<0.001). The positive rates of HIV, HBsAg and TP were 17.6‰(464/26 324), 95.3‰( 1826/19 152) and 18.6‰(355/19 099) respectively among premarital couples and the total positive rate of the three diseases was 131.5‰ which was significantly higher than HIV positive rate alone (P<0.001).Comprehensive prevention was more economical than prevention for HIV alone. Conclusion The comprehensive strategies for prevention of HIV, HBV and syphilis was feasible, effective and economical that could help to actively conduct the preventive measures.
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