赵路清,胡凤云.太原地区3 173名老年人睡眠障碍现况调查[J].中华流行病学杂志,2011,32(3):260-263
太原地区3 173名老年人睡眠障碍现况调查
Prevalence of sleep disorders among 3173 elderly in Taiyuan city:a cross—sectional study
收稿日期:2010-08-27  出版日期:2014-09-11
中文关键词: 眠障碍  老年人  现况调查
英文关键词: leep disorders  Elderly  Prevalence study
赵路清 山西省人民医院, 太原 030012  
胡凤云 山西省人民医院, 太原 030012 fengyun7I@163.Corn 
摘要点击次数: 3038
全文下载次数: 1276
       目的 了解太原地区老年人各种睡眠障碍的流行病学特点及失眠的相关因素. 方法 采用多级抽样方法,对太原地区3173名60~100岁的老年人进行人户调查,筛选出有睡眠障碍症状者,由专科医生复查并作出诊断. 结果 (1)3173名老年人中,有各种睡眠障碍症状者2132例,患病率为67.2%;其中失眠症、多梦、习惯性打鼾、日间嗜睡的患病率均较高,分别为39.65%、38.58%、26.66%、34.32%.(2)随着年龄的增长,男性老年人早醒、起夜次数多、日间嗜睡、睡眠呼吸障碍及睡眠节律紊乱的患病率有明显上升趋势(P<0.01);随着年龄的增长,女性老年人早醒、日间嗜睡及睡眠节律紊乱的患病率也有明显上升趋势(P<0.01).(3)经logistic回归分析,独居、情绪障碍、躯体疼痛、夜尿次数多(P<0.01)与男性老年人失眠的发病有关;独居及麻/瘙痒等感觉异常(P<0.01)、情绪障碍(P<0.05)与女性老年人失眠的发病有关.结论 太原地区老年人中各种睡眠障碍的患病率有上升趋势;应注重老年人情绪、躯体疾病对睡眠的影响.
      Objective To investigate the prevalence rates of sleep disorders and the correlatives in the elderly from Taiyuan city.Methods All of the 3173 elderly (aged 60 years to 100 years) in Taiyuan city were investigated at home through questionnaires,regarding their sleep condition.Subjects with sleep disorders were then screened through questionnaires and reexamined/diagnosed by special doctors.Results (1) Among the 3173 elderly,2132 subjects complained of having sleep disorders.The total prevalence of sleep disorders was 67.2%.The prevalence rates of chronic insomnia,multi-dreams,habitual snoring and daytime drowsiness were 39.65%,38.58%,26.66% and 34.32% respectively.(2)In the male elderly,the prevalence rates of being awaken early,having more urination at night,daytime drowsiness,sleep-respiratory disturbance and indiscriminate sleep rhythm increased with age(P<0.01).However,in the female elderly,the prevalence rates of being awaken early,having daytime drowsiness and indiscriminate sleep rhythm also had a tendency of increase (P<0.01).(3) Living alone,emotional disorder,pain and nocturia (P<0.01) were the risk factors of chronic insomnia in the male elderly while living alone,numbness/pruritus(P<0.01),emotional disorder (P<0.05),were the risk factors of chronic insomnia in the female elderly.Conclusion The prevalence rates of some sleep disturbances in the elderly in Taiyuan city were generally correspondent with prevalence rates reported elsewhere that called for more attention be paid to the effect of mood disturbance and diseases related to sleep condition among the eldexly.
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