Multivariate and multilevel model analysis on factors that influencing the literacy of health among high school students in Guangdong province
收稿日期:2011-05-20  出版日期:2014-09-11
中文关键词: 健康素养  高中生  影响因素  多元多水平模型
英文关键词: Health literacy  High school student  Influencing factors  Multivariate multilevel model
叶小华 广东药学院公共卫生学院广东省分子流行病学重点实验室, 广州 510310 smalltomato@163.com 
许雅 广东药学院公共卫生学院广东省分子流行病学重点实验室, 广州 510310  
周舒冬 广东药学院公共卫生学院广东省分子流行病学重点实验室, 广州 510310  
郜艳晖 广东药学院公共卫生学院广东省分子流行病学重点实验室, 广州 510310  
李燕芬 广东药学院公共卫生学院广东省分子流行病学重点实验室, 广州 510310  
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      目的了解广东省高中生健康素养水平及其影响因素。方法采用多阶段抽样方法,运用卫生部编制的“2009年中国公民健康素养调查问卷”对高中生进行问卷调查。采用MLwinN 2.19软件对资料进行多元多水平分析。结果广东省1606名高中生知识与理念性、行为性、技能性素养的平均分分别是69.08±14.8l、60.05±16.85和74.99±21.17。三方面健康素养均存在一定的相关性,且班级水平相关性(0.972、0.715、0.855)明显高于个体水平相关性(O.565、0.426、0.438)。结论来自经济欠发达地区、普通中学、学习成绩差、零花钱较多、低年级、男性学生的健康素养水平较低。
      ObjectiveTo analyze the awareness on health among high school students and its influencing factors in Guangdong.Methods Multi-smge sampling and questionnaire“2009 health awareness survey of the Chinese citizens”developed by our Depamnent of Health,were used.Data were analyzed by multivariate multilevel model under MLwinN 2.1 9 so,ware.Results The mean scores on knowiedge and ideas.behaviors and related skills among l606 high school students of Guangdong province,were 69.08±±16.85 and 74.99±21.17 respectively.Three items on health showed that they all related to each other and relations between grades(0.972.0.7 l 5 and 0.855)were greater than the individuals(0.565.0.426 and 0.438).Conchlsion Factors as students from outside the Pearl RiVer Deltar egion or from the rural areas.being male.at general secondary schools.at grade one,with poor academic performance and more pocket money etc.。had lower levels on those related information of health.
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