Studies on the determinants and changes related to the natural CD4 + T cell counts among antiretroviral treatment-naive HIV/AIDS patients in Dehong prefecture, Yunnan province
收稿日期:2011-03-22  出版日期:2014-09-11
中文关键词: 艾滋病病毒  CD4+T淋巴细胞计数  自然变化  影响因素
英文关键词: HIV  CD4+ T cell counts  Natural changes  Determinants
基金项目:国家“十一五”科技重大专项( 2008ZX 10001-016,2008ZX 10001-003)
叶润华 云南省德宏州疾病预防控制中心, 芒市 678400  
段松 云南省德宏州疾病预防控制中心, 芒市 678400  
项丽芬 云南省德宏州疾病预防控制中心, 芒市 678400  
杨跃诚 云南省德宏州疾病预防控制中心, 芒市 678400  
杨忠桔 瑞丽市疾病预防控制中心  
韩文香 陇川县疾病预防控制中心  
曹东冬 芒市疾病预防控制中心  
杨建华 盈江县疾病预防控制中心  
李维美 梁河县疾病预防控制中心  
杨锦 云南省德宏州疾病预防控制中心, 芒市 678400  
王继宝 云南省德宏州疾病预防控制中心, 芒市 678400  
高洁 云南省德宏州疾病预防控制中心, 芒市 678400  
龚渝蓉 云南省德宏州疾病预防控制中心, 芒市 678400  
杨世江 云南省德宏州疾病预防控制中心, 芒市 678400  
朱萍 复旦大学公共卫生学院流行病学教研室公共卫生安全教育部重点实验室  
何纳 复旦大学公共卫生学院流行病学教研室公共卫生安全教育部重点实验室 nhe@shmu.edu.cn 
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      目的 探讨云南省德宏州HIV感染者在无抗病毒治疗干预下的CD4+T淋巴细胞计数自然变化情况及其影响因素。方法对1989-2010年5月间德宏州报告的当地户籍、无抗病毒治疗史或抗病毒治疗前先后至少接受过2次CD4+T淋巴细胞计数检测的HIV感染者进行回顾性队列研究,描述并比较其末次与首次CD4+T淋巴细胞计数自然变化速率,运用logistic回归分析CD4+T淋巴细胞计数生物学意义显著下降的影响因素。结果共纳入研究对象4487例,CD4+T淋巴细胞计数月均自然变化速率中位数为-2.0 cell/μl(IQR:-8.2~3.6),并与HIV感染者的人口学特征、感染途径、首次CD4+T淋巴细胞计数、首末次检测间隔等因素有显著关联。约60.0%(2693例)研究对象末次CD4+T淋巴细胞计数低于首次,表现为自然下降。约31.2%( 1400例)研究对象末次CD4+T淋巴细胞计数较首次下降幅度在30%以上,表现为显著下降。Logistic多因素回归分析显示:在控制潜在混杂因素的影响后,HIV感染者CD4+T淋巴细胞计数显著下降与年龄、民族、婚姻状况、感染途径、首次CD4+T淋巴细胞计数水平、首末次CD4+T淋巴细胞计数检测间隔存在统计学关联。结论云南省德宏州HIV感染者CD4+T淋巴细胞计数自然变化总体平缓,但仍有相当部分HIV感染者CD4+T淋巴细胞计数下降显著且与多种因素有关。有必要加强对HIV感染者的定期随访和CD4+T淋巴细胞计数检测以掌握其病情进展状态,适时启动抗病毒治疗。
      Objective To explore the determinants and changes ofCD4+ T cell counts among antiretroviral treatnent-naive HIV/AIDS patients in Dchong prefecture, Yunnan province. Methods<.b> A retrospective cohort analysis was conducted on HIV-infected local residents, being reported during 1989 through May 2010, in Dehong prefecture. The patients had received at least two CD4+ T cell counting tests before receiving the antiretroviral treatment (ART). Difference between the first and the last CD4+ T cell counts was calculated and described. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to examine the determinants of significant depletion of CD4+ T cell counts among them.Results A total of 4487 HIV/AIDS patients were included in the study. The change of CD4 +T cell counts between the first and the last CD4+ T cell count tests had a median of-2.0 cells/μ l in month (IQR: -8.2-3.6) and was significantly associated with socio-demographic characteristics, HIV transmission mode,the first or baseline CD4+ T cell counts and the time interval between the first and the last CD4 + T cell counting tests etc. About 60.0% (2693/4487) of the HIV/AIDS patients had deletions of CD4+ T cell counts, and 31.2% (1400/4487) had significant ( ≥ 30% ) deletions of CD4+ T cell counts. Results from the multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that age, ethnicity,marital status, HIV transmission mode, the first CD4+ T cell counts and the interval between the first and the last CD4+ T cell counting tests were significantly associated with the significant depletion of CD4+ T cell counts. Conclusion The changing rate of CD4+ T cell count among ART-naive local HIV-infected patients in Dehong prefecture, Yunnan province was relatively slow. However,substantial proportion of them showed significant decreases of CD4+ T cell counts, which was determined by many factors. More efforts were needed to systematically and consistently follow-up those HIV-infected patients and measure their CD4+ T cell counts in China, in order to instantaneously monitor the disease progression,and the initiation of ART, if necessary.
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