Relationship between strain subtypes and transmission of HIV infection within marriage-based immigrant women in rural area of Zhejiang province
收稿日期:2011-05-26  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 艾滋病病毒  遗传亚型  外来婚嫁女  传播关系
英文关键词: Human immunodeficiency virus  Genetic subtype  Marriage based immigrant women  Transmission relationshi
潘晓红 浙江省疾病预防控制中心, 杭州 310051 xhpan310009@yaboo.com.cn 
张佳峰 浙江省疾病预防控制中心, 杭州 310051  
陈琳 浙江省疾病预防控制中心, 杭州 310051  
杨介者 浙江省疾病预防控制中心, 杭州 310051  
郭志宏 浙江省疾病预防控制中心, 杭州 310051  
徐云 浙江省疾病预防控制中心, 杭州 310051  
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      目的 分析浙江省外来婚嫁女感染HIV亚型特征和家庭内传播关系。方法 以浙江省艾滋病疫情报告中HIV感染的农村外来婚嫁女及其感染配偶和子女为研究对象,基因序列分析结合个案流行病学分析,采用巢式PCR扩增gag基因区,分析亚型特征和病毒株来源,并利用系统进化树分析夫妻间、母子间传播关系。结果 在118例报告HIV感染外来婚嫁女中获得72株亚型,分别为21株CRF01_AE(29.2%)、12株CRF07_BC (16.7%)、31株CRF08_BC (43.1%)、6株B亚型(8.3%)和2株C亚型(2.8%)。外来婚嫁女感染病毒与原户籍地或原户籍地周边省份流行株相似的有45例(62.5%),其中70.3%(26/37)原户籍为云南省外来婚嫁女中感染的病毒与云南省流行株相似。84.7%外来婚嫁女在嫁入浙江省之前有异性性行为。检测17对夫妻HIV亚型,结果夫妻间亚型均一致。系统树分析提示夫妻间和母子间有传播关系。结论 浙江省农村外来婚嫁女感染HIV呈现亚型多样性特征,其中以CRF08 BC和CRF01 AE为主,病毒株主要来源是云南省及其周边地区。外来婚嫁女在原户籍的异性性行为是感染的主要危险因素。应加强对该人群的主动监测和夫妻间性行为干预。
      Objective To analyze the relationship between strain subtypes and transmission of HIV infection on marriage-based immigrant women,their spouses and children in rural area of Zhejiang province.Methods Marriage-based immigrant women with HIV infection, their HIV infected spouses and children in rural area in Zhejiang province,were selected as study objects.Analysis on genetic sequence and epidemiologic information was carried out.Subgenomic gag was amplified by nest-PCR analysis on the whole blood samples.Genetic subtype characterization and the source of HIV strains were analyzed.Relationships on sequences were also examined by phylogenetic tree analysis.Results Genetic sequences of 72 samples from HIV infected marriage-based immigrant women were obtained.The genetic subtypes comprised 21 CRF01_AE (29.2%),12 CRF07BC (16.7%),31 CRF08 BC (43.1%),6B (8.3%),2C (2.8%).HIV strains from 45 cases (62.5%) were similar to the prevalent HIV strains in the province where former census of marriage based immigrant women were registered.In total,there were 26 (70.3%) cases from Yunnan province.84.7% of the infected women had heterosexual behaviors before settling down in Zhejiang province.Genetic sequences of 17 pairs showed the same subtype between the couples and data from phylogenetic tree analysis supported the assumption of transmission linkage in the family.Conclusion The HIV subtype strains detected in those HIV infected marriage-based immigrant women in the rural area of Zhejiang province characterized with diversity, showing CRF08_BC and 10.3760/cma.j.issn.0254-6450.2011.11.005 werethemainHIVstrain subtypes. HIVinfection originated mainly fiomYunnan province andnearby regions.Heterosexual behaviors ofthemarriage-based immigrant women inthe original region where they had their residence registration, seemed to be the primary high risk factors for these women.Surveillance and intervention programs on these marriage-based immigrant women and their family members should be improved.
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