Changes on secular growth among minority girls in China from 1985 to 2005
收稿日期:2011-09-08  出版日期:2014-09-10
中文关键词: 青春期发育  月经初潮  身高  体重  少数民族
英文关键词: Puberty development  Menarche  Height  Weight  Minority
宋逸 北京大学公共卫生学院/儿童青少年卫生研究所, 北京 100191  
胡佩瑾 北京大学公共卫生学院/儿童青少年卫生研究所, 北京 100191  
张冰 北京大学公共卫生学院/儿童青少年卫生研究所, 北京 100191  
马军 北京大学公共卫生学院/儿童青少年卫生研究所, 北京 100191 majunt@bjmu.edu.cn 
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      目的 分析中国部分少数民族17岁女学生20年(1985—2005年)生长长期变化特点、规律和趋势。方法 利用1985、2005年“全国学生体质健康调研”资料, 分析蒙古族、回族、壮族、朝鲜族、藏族、苗族、布依族、侗族、瑶族、白族、土家族、哈尼族、傣族、傈僳族、佤族、纳西族、土族、羌族、撒拉族19个少数民族女生月经初潮年龄(AAM)和17岁女生身高、体重的变化。结果 中国部分少数民族女生的成年身高和体重有很大幅度提高。2005年各民族17岁女生的平均身高均超过150cm, 其中身高每10年增速超过1cm的民族有6个:朝鲜族(1.47cm)、土家族(1.38cm)、羌族(1.32cm)、白族(1.25cm)、回族(1.13cm)和布依族(1.07cm)。体重每10年增速超过1kg的民族有6个:蒙古族(1.79kg)、朝鲜族(1.69kg)、藏族(1.66kg)、纳西族(1.39kg)、羌族(1.28kg)和回族(1.10kg)。19个少数民族女生的AAM均有不同程度的提前, 提前最多的前3位分别是土家族、瑶族和纳西族, 分别提前2.15、1.76和1.38岁。结论 中国大部分少数民族女生出现较为明显的生长长期趋势, 但各民族女生青春期发育和成年身高增长幅度存在明显的不平衡, 要给予生长长期趋势增长缓慢的少数民族更高的关注。
      Objective To analyze the trend of secular growth among the minority girls in China from 1985 to 2005 in order to develop national and local intervention strategies and measures to improve their physical fitness and health. Methods A total of 19 Chinese minoritt girls, including Mongolian, Hui, Zhuang, Korean, Tibetan, Miao, Buyi, Dong, Yao, Bai, Tujia, Hani, Dai, Lisu, Wa, Nakhi, Tu, Qiang and Salar were sampled from the 1985 and 2005 Chinese national surveys to study the students’ physical fitness and health. Probit analyses were used to calculate age at menarche(AAM), and the heights and weights of 17-years-old girls in various minority groups. Results From 1985 to 2005, the increments of adult heights and weights increased significantly in many minority groups. The average height of girls aged 17 years old in each minority group had an increase of 150 cm in 2005. Ethnic groups with height growth rates of more than 1 cm per decade in girls aged 17 years old were Korean(1.47 cm/decade), Tujia(1.38 cm/decade), Qiang(1.32 cm/decade), Bai(1.25 cm/decade), Hui(1.13 cm/decade) and Buyi(1.07 cm/decade). And the mionority ethnics with weight growth rates of more than 1 kg per decade in girls aged 17 years old were Mongolian(1.79 kg/decade), Korean(1.69 kg/decade), Tibetan(1.66 kg/decade), Nakhi(1.39 kg/decade), Qiang(1.28 kg/decade) and Hui(1.10 kg/decade). The overall AAM showed a downward rate in all the 19 minority groups, but with different degrees. Tujia, Yao and Nakhi showed the largest reductions, with AAMs as 2.15, 1.76 and 1.38 years earlier in 2005 than in 1985, respectively. Conclusion Our data suggested that the downward secular trend in AAMs and the increments of adult heights might reflect the secular growth change in the major minority groups during the past 20 years, but there was an obvious disequilibrium of puberty development and increments of heights in adults between the minority groups.
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